A little more about the submissions and what will happen on June 30th...
At midday on June 29th, for those in Australia and other locales that will be timewise, ahead of us US and other members, I will post a thread for posting submission photos only, NO COMMENTS will be allowed in that thread, so each member can submit their pictures in there without confusion. Then, the next member will post their's and so on. With no comments between to muddy things up.
Then, at the same time, I will post another thread, related to this photo one, that is for submission comments only. It can quote, and use pics from the submission thread, but is for everyone to comment only. And, when commenting, please use only one photo from the submission thread as your example, if at all.
As for the submission thread, you can post up to the ten photo per post limit, TOTAL! No more. No extra posts. That is why there has to be a PRIMARY and an so on, of each person's figures, or there will be so many that it will get lost. It may work out to have each submission as a primary, with each having ten shots, but then, some might run pages long. If anyone is against the notion of the primary/secondary idea, let me know, and it can be discussed. I just hope we have one good one from each entrant.
Does this make sense? Two threads, one for pics (and descriptions, backstories, recipes, where you got what, etc., ) only, and one for comments, only.
They will be clearly labeled on that day. Something like,
Summer 2007 Sideshow Freaks Female Customs Figure Challenge Submissions Thread &
Summer 2007 Female Custom Figure Challenge Comment Thread, something like that.
Any comments or questions, say so here. I do know this format works, as it has been used to great effect on other sites. It is much easier to go back and forth, and look and comment, than it is to search through a growing mass of comments to find someone's figure.
Anyway, more to come on this as it develops.