Can We Get the Next 1:6 Sideshow Star Wars PPO Please!?

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Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
I know SSC tends to beat to the tune of its own drummer, but what's the holdup?! The last PPO was the 'Palpy 2-pack back' on September 6th... That's six weeks ago...

We've had no teasers of any kind since...

Maybe tonight's newsletter will offer up something, but I'm not holding my breath...
I know SSC tends to beat to the tune of its own drummer, but what's the holdup?! The last PPO was the 'Palpy 2-pack back' on September 6th... That's six weeks ago...

We've had no teasers of any kind since...

Maybe tonight's newsletter will offer up something, but I'm not holding my breath...

Whoever said SW fans were whinee? :monkey3
I could go for a tusken raider. I don't know what it is but I've always liked them.