I stand corrected, Andy, a broken statue is a bad pic!
I stand corrected, Andy, a broken statue is a bad pic!
Glad your finally getting yours today!!!!
Great. On behalf of SS thank you for your support..In that case more plastic to come coz YOU don't care = YOU will still buy.
Not sure if your mad about this piece, but it has nice weight to it and feels like a quality piece. It displays GREAT as well. The only problems I would consider of value is the Thompson coming broke and the shields being lackluster. Other then those this is a top tier statue that needs to be appreciated, not nit picked about what it looks like on the inside.
I love plastic in my women, why can't I say the same for my statues?
Thanks Snoop......once again everything is AWESOMEEECongrats, David!
Tomorrow's the day for me!
Great. On behalf of SS thank you for your support..In that case more plastic to come coz YOU don't care = YOU will still buy.
Lol. This forum is unbelievable some times... Statue looks great. Excited for everyone still waiting to receive theirs.
Alright, confession time.
Does anyone else keep a picture of theirs with them that they look a during the day, while away from home?
Thanks Snoop......once again everything is AWESOMEEE
Alright, confession time.
Does anyone else keep a picture of theirs with them that they look a during the day, while away from home?
Hahaha that reminds me, I was at Whole Foods waiting in line and I always go to SS site and stare at pieces and I was looking at Cap. The guy behind was looking at my phone (*******, then again what can you expect with a note 4 ) and he said, "That's a pretty cool toy man. How much? I'm a huge Avengers fan"
I didn't know how to react