Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (SPOILERS)

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Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

You can't directly compare ratings like that. a 93% film is not necessarily better than a 90%. It doesn't work that way. The critics they aggregate change. Spider-Man 2 set a bar back in the day but that bar has been raised so many times since that it feels flat today.

ya Worst thing you can do is to go by ratings by critics and box office numbers. You Just have to judge for yourself. Not everyone loves the same things.

My Elite of the Elite:
TDK Trilogy
Winter Soldier

Superman I & II
The Crow
Sin City
89 Batman

Solid great comic book movies:
IM 1
Cap: First Avenger
Thor 1 & 2
X-Men First Class
V for Vendetta
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

That's weird for me to hear since Black is essentially responsible for his career resurgence with Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and I figured he would have gauged from that whether or not he would want to work with him again.

RDJ had a lot of improv in IM1, 2 and Avengers. He was stuck to his script in IM3 and I heard he wasn't generally happy with it.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I just came back from the movie and loved every part of it. One of Marvels best.

Of course, I stayed for both after credit scenes. But after the 2nd one ending, I started walking out and caught a glimpse of the title for Captain America 3. Can someone tell me what that title was?
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

And speaking of Star Wars, remember that part in ROTJ where Luke throws down his lightsaber and lets the bad guy kick his ***?


THE WINTER SOLDIER DID IT BETTER. "Finish it" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Father please!"

Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Rottentomatoes was never intended to be used to compare films to one another in that way. It merely indicates the percentage of critics that liked the film. It does not rate their degree of satisfaction. They may have merely liked the film or they may have loved it. The only indicator rottentomatoes gives the audience is what the chances are that you will like the film.
You're correct about what RT does, but why can't you compare movies based on that? If you can't use their measure to implicitly or explicitly compare movies, then what purpose does the score serve at all? It's a shorthand to help folks understand what a selected subgroup of critics think--how they rank a movie, in relation to some idealized standard based on watching other movies and other factors. If more critics like movie A than movie B, it tells you something. If critics on the aggregate rate movie A higher than movie B, it also tells you something. They're both useful tools to use when you want to, say, decide if you want to spend your valuable time watching a movie. I try to let a movie speak for itself, but I won't give every movie produced a chance to do that.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I just came back from the movie and loved every part of it. One of Marvels best.

Of course, I stayed for both after credit scenes. But after the 2nd one ending, I started walking out and caught a glimpse of the title for Captain America 3. Can someone tell me what that title was?

The title wasn't Cap 3... the card read... Captain America will return in Avengers: Age of Ultron
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I have a huge library of comic book movies. But I can honestly say that I have only watched TDK two or three times. Ledger was great, Bale brooding endlessly, Maggie G = meh, and the two face thing... I like Oldman's Gordon and the atmosphere but it goes on forever.
Doesn't have the "fun" aspect I look for in comic book escapism.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Superman '78 will always be my number one comic book movie, but I think Winter Soldier has now taken 2nd place.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Your logic flys out the window when talking about Caps first encounter with Thor in the first Avengers movie.
A grenade violently throws Steve into a bus but an angry Asgardian Thunder gods hammer (that was forged in a dying star from Uru metal that was also enchanted by Odin)strike isn't enough to budge Steve?

It's not my logic though, they're laws :lol

I did mention it before...

Cap didn't move when Thor smashed the shield because it was a vertical attack, since the force was vertical going down, we can ignore friction, it's like expecting and nail to move to the sides instead of inside the wood when hit by a hammer.... And we use the same thinking, the energy generated by Thor's attack will be superior than what the shield can absorb, then Cap's body will absorb more energy, yet the energy will still be superior, BUT Cap is standing on solid ground, the force of Thor's attack should be greater than the mass of the earth for Cap to move.

I see no inconsistencies as far as the properties of the shield go, however I did notice a scene in particular where Cap threw the shield to the plane that was attacking him out of the Triskelion, the ricochet trajectory looked impossible, but it's a minor detail, other than that, it's all fine by me.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I saw it in IMAX on Saturday and it made me proud to be an American! :lol

Nowadays, everyone's (liberals :wink1:) so cynical about patriotism.. so Captain America actually being Captain America is VERY refreshing.

Falcon and Widow were awesome too. I hope Falcon will have a part in A2, regardless of how small it is.

My Elite of the Elite:
TDK Trilogy
Winter Soldier

Superman I & II
The Crow
Sin City
89 Batman

Solid great comic book movies:
IM 1
Cap: First Avenger
Thor 1 & 2
X-Men First Class
V for Vendetta

That's a good list; we have similar taste. :hi5:
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Bad *** Digest:

It was reported as rumor weeks ago but now it's a fact: in the wake of the record-setting opening weekend of Captain America: The Winter Soldier Disney has set Captain America 3 officially on May 6, 2016. That's the same opening weekend of Batman vs Superman.

Marvel had that date first; it was one of the weekends they colonized with their 'Unnamed Marvel Movies,' and after BvS realized it couldn't make summer 2015 Warner Bros plopped it on that weekend. It seemed like a good strategy - early summer, against a movie that was just a placeholder. Surely Marvel would move. Surely.

Then came the rumor that Marvel was putting Cap 3 there, and many people failed to see how that film could be a threat to BvS. After all, Cap is a second-tier hero whose first film didn't even break $200m domestic. People who had seen The Winter Soldier understood it, though, and after this weekend I think everybody gets it - The Winter Soldier will have beaten the first Captain America at the domestic box office by its second weekend. Hell, it'll probably beat the first film's worldwide total by next weekend. This is The Avengers bump in action. And since there's The Avengers: Age of Ultron between now and Cap 3 - and since audiences are really popping for The Winter Soldier - there's no reason to expect the third film to be anything but a massive success.

Unless, of course, it barrels headfirst into a Batman vs Superman ceiling. Right? So what is Marvel thinking placing their rising star against the two most iconic DC characters, coming together for the first time? Simple: they smell the blood in the water. While Man of Steel did better than the disappointing Superman Returns it also disappointed; that movie was supposed to be a billion dollar earner. Let's put it this way: Warner Bros didn't throw Batman into the sequel because they had faith in it. By the time Captain America 3 hits Marvel will be in its peak period - unless The Avengers: Age of Ultron is an unwatchable disaster it should be one of the biggest movies of all time, and it's leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a great place for Phase Three - while Warner Bros is still trying to establish their post-Nolan superhero universe.

That's why Warner Bros has to blink. They could very well win that weekend against Marvel, but they have more to lose in a head-to-head fight. We are the kind of people who will go to both films that weekend, but is that true of the general audience? Will Captain America 3, coming in second place, cost BvS tens of millions of dollars? Tens of millions of dollars that will make the whole thing feel hobbled? See, Marvel can afford to throw the good Captain into that meat-grinder because they have a larger franchise game in play, but Warner Bros is still finding their feet. They need this movie to be huge because they're using their most popular characters all at once. Let's put it this way - Marvel wouldn't want BvS opening against Age of Ultron for the same reason.

Even if WB wins the weekend - and let's be honest, I'm not even sure that's a gimme at this point - the story becomes how well Captain America did against Batman AND Superman. Unless Warner Bros thinks they can straight up humiliate Marvel that weekend I don't see an up side to them staying put. And if anything, moving further into the summer allows Zack Snyder and company precious weeks to get their movie right. Hell, I'm half convinced that Marvel knows Warner Bros has been considering a move already and is just straight up trolling them.

If the two movies stay put it'll be interesting. There's been a lot of whining about an overabundance of superhero movies, a complaint I find weird when there are four superhero movies opening this year. That really isn't a major percentage of the films opening wide in 2014 by any accounting. But if two open on the same weekend? Man, I can only imagine the whining from film snobs who think the superhero genre is beneath them. I actually kind of look forward to the gnashing of teeth sure to come from the more irritating corners of the critical establishment - you know, the people who seem to think two movies a year from Marvel Studios is a terrifying overkill.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Is there any reference in the movie telling where is Hawkeye during the events ? After all he is a shield member!
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

One of them is moving, that's almost a given...

My guess is BvS moves to July 2016.

Is there any reference in the movie telling where is Hawkeye during the events ? After all he is a shield member!

I kept thinking about that too.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I think BvS should move if they want the full box office, if they go head to head vs Cap3 they'll still win, but their BO will be severely decreased.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

As one of the Russo brothers said (not verbatim), there is no universe where both BvS and Cap 3 will open on the same weekend, just bad business for everyone. WB will move their date, just a matter of time before they announce it.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

They should just reschedule BvS to never. Goyer/Hack Snypder films are destined to be steaming piles.