Is it just me, or does this piece NOT take you right back to all the Disney theme park rides?
wow, where is that from? Wonder how big it is!
ah wdcc, about $3k and only 8 1/2" tall, no thanks, will wait for something bigger for cheaper from SS, do love the design though!
...and Hook is just about of the nicest suprises in recent memory. Hats off to Andy B
Is it just me, or does this piece NOT take you right back to all the Disney theme park rides?
...and Hook is just about of the nicest suprises in recent memory. Hats off to Andy B
In fact, it looks so good that it makes me wonder why they couldn't or didn't want to capture Maleficent's likeness. Sorry, still disappointed with that piece.
So what I'm curious about, why aren't these Disney pieces sold in Disney stores or theme parks?? If SS carries the license, why not sell it at official Disney stores?
So what I'm curious about, why aren't these Disney pieces sold in Disney stores or theme parks?? If SS carries the license, why not sell it at official Disney stores?
Are the sleeves and tie sculpted?
Wait... what? Does AndyB work for Sideshow?
I believe the jacket/sleeves are fabric...not sure about the tie, looks like it's sculpted.
i'm pretty sure Andy Bergholtz is the primary sculptor of this piece. I must apologize to Andy, i really gave him a hard time about his Kirby Inspired Hulk PF...i bashed face sculpt because it's not my ideal representation of the character...but there's no denying the dude's got loads of talent.
So what I'm curious about, why aren't these Disney pieces sold in Disney stores or theme parks?? If SS carries the license, why not sell it at official Disney stores?
Wow! This looks great. I hope they figure out a good way to package the face secure enough so that the whiskers don't break.
I know if I buy this I'll wind up getting Evil Queen and Maleficent.