Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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This is not a good look for Brie.

View attachment 452026

But this is! Her best scene in the film IMHO. :monkey3

2019-05-04 ac.jpg

Ralph tells Alice about CM in Endgame.
Why is there a discussion over CM's hair? Is there some subtext I'm missing?

While I don't think it was a great movie, and her character was a bit grating some times, I'm curious about a new movie with Captain Marvel. It'll be interesting to see which way the character develops.
Why is there a discussion over CM's hair? Is there some subtext I'm missing?

While I don't think it was a great movie, and her character was a bit grating some times, I'm curious about a new movie with Captain Marvel. It'll be interesting to see which way the character develops.

It better have rogue. That’s the only way I’m gonna see it. Now that the xmen are here they better put rogue in
Why is there a discussion over CM's hair? Is there some subtext I'm missing?

While I don't think it was a great movie, and her character was a bit grating some times, I'm curious about a new movie with Captain Marvel. It'll be interesting to see which way the character develops.

There's discussion about her hair because it abruptly changed in after the time gap in End Game. It radically changed her appearance. I don't see why that's a surprising thing to discuss. Thor also had different hair and had a giant fat gut, and that was discussed as well. So that's not a big deal.

The "subtext" you're alluding to can be a few things.

First and foremost, that hairstyle is stereotypically used to portray women who are lesbians. The vocal critics of Captain Marvel's recent comics over the last few years have argued that the writers and artist have no-so-subtly been changing her orientation and gender, even going as far to suggest that she is clearly being drawn in a manner to imply that she's transitioning from female to male, hence the nickname "Carl Manvers."

This iteration of Captain Marvel doesn't appear to be popular, since her book has been canceled several times, so it might have been a surprise for some viewers to see it directly acknowledged on screen. I'm not a fan of the character in any form, but if you forced me to choose between the long hair and the short hair, I'd go with the long hair.

Now the other "subtext" is that someone made a very lame but obvious racial joke. He said something like "she has short hair now, she just needs a 'tan'" which anyone can understand (unless English isn't your first language) to mean that she is now sporting a Black woman's haircut, so she may as well have the skin color to match. Like I said, it was a pretty lame attempt at comedy, but by no stretch was that difficult to understand. So anyone feigning ignorance or "outrage" about it just wants to start more fighting instead of ignoring the pathetic whiff of a one-liner, which this thread already has plenty of.
Ah, I see.
Thanks for the explanation.
I did imagine the lesbian thing, but didn't know the context of the comics... never read and CM comics.
As for the tan meaning black, that I really didn't get.

As for Thor's appearance, well I guess it makes sense to discuss it, since it had to do with his emotional state. CM's hairdo change just seemed to be a way of showing how time had passed. Like Cap shaving his beard, or Black Widow changing her hairdo.

Whatever, I was just curious if there was something I was missing.
No problem....I can see why it might seem like there's missing subtext, especially to a non-native English speaker, cause nobody wanted to come out and use the word "lesbian" and was just dancing around it. So I figured I'd just explain it as matter-of-factly as possible to not create any unnecessary drama.
No problem....I can see why it might seem like there's missing subtext, especially to a non-native English speaker, cause nobody wanted to come out and use the word "lesbian" and was just dancing around it. So I figured I'd just explain it as matter-of-factly as possible to not create any unnecessary drama.

Dunno, who cares if shes lesbian or not?

At this point I think most folks are grown up enough to accept it or ignore it.

I mean I dont care Cap or IM are straight? Or that Widow and Valkyrie seem turned on by a giant green thing....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
lesbian superheroes are nothing new. Can you say Batwomen? As long as the character is good who cares. However straight or Gay, Cm is still a boring and unlikable character.

There's discussion about her hair because it abruptly changed after the time gap in End Game. It radically changed her appearance. I don't see why that's a surprising thing to discuss. Thor also had different hair and had a giant fat gut, and that was discussed as well. So that's not a big deal.

The discussion of her change in appearance isn't surprising, especially in a forum where people are viewing it through action figure collectors' eyes. But IMO the assumptions made regarding subtext are rather sad. And given the 5 year gap, it likely wasn't all that abrupt. Women (especially younger ones) change hairstyles almost as a matter of course; Why should she be any different? Also, when BW hosted her virtual meeting no one besides Rocket commented on her look, so apparently it wasn't all that new.

This iteration of Captain Marvel doesn't appear to be popular, since her book has been canceled several times, so it might have been a surprise for some viewers to see it directly acknowledged on screen. I'm not a fan of the character in any form, but if you forced me to choose between the long hair and the short hair, I'd go with the long hair.

I'm not going to argue its relative popularity, but I don't get why people keep saying her comic has been canceled. Most comic book series have runs of 6 to 12 issues that tell a particular story, then they start with another arc (sometimes with a new writer & artist) & in the meantime the previous run comes out in TPB form. Since I started reading CM, it doesn't seem any different in that respect. Now when a new writer & artist is involved the look/aesthetic usually changes, but the character isn't relaunched or rebooted completely.
This was the first thing that came up when I googled Captain Marvel's monthly sales figures:

I thought " point is proven!" but upon reading it, it's not a factual article at all. Just appears to be an opinion piece by someone that hates Captain Marvel....but there's 73 comments by people arguing back and forth about it, so maybe someone presents actual facts there.

The blogger says the most recent issue only sold 30,000, but as far as I know, that's not even that bad in today's horrible comic book market, so that's hardly an indication of whether or not it's a successful book. Also, Marvel allegedly has a habit of overshipping books and only reporting the number shipped, not the number actually sold, so we'll probably never know.
No problem....I can see why it might seem like there's missing subtext, especially to a non-native English speaker, cause nobody wanted to come out and use the word "lesbian" and was just dancing around it. So I figured I'd just explain it as matter-of-factly as possible to not create any unnecessary drama.

Well in fairness the poster who made the comment is an obvious troll who thread craps here and in any other thread that can be even remotely steered into complaining about CM's appearance...folks aren't outraged...maybe just a little exhausted...
This was the first thing that came up when I googled Captain Marvel's monthly sales figures:

I thought " point is proven!" but upon reading it, it's not a factual article at all. Just appears to be an opinion piece by someone that hates Captain Marvel....but there's 73 comments by people arguing back and forth about it, so maybe someone presents actual facts there.

The blogger says the most recent issue only sold 30,000, but as far as I know, that's not even that bad in today's horrible comic book market, so that's hardly an indication of whether or not it's a successful book. Also, Marvel allegedly has a habit of overshipping books and only reporting the number shipped, not the number actually sold, so we'll probably never know.

Your right That's 30,000 shipped not sold. According to Comichron: Comic Book Sales for March (the lateness month with data) CM was #58. #1 was Detective Comics 1000, with 526,941 units shipped. Followed by Batman Who Laughs: The Grim Knight. with 133,656 units. So the bloggers is correct. about CM sales
I think it will be hard to have CM be a team player going forward unless they depower her. I thought we might see something like that in AEG since she got her power from the tesseract which Thanos controlled. Hmm maybe they can say the Power Stone punch permanently weakened her. Because if they drop her power just a bit she's basically Iron Man without a suit. Flies around, takes powerful hits, and blasts things with her hands. If they go that route then she could easily fill his vacancy.
The honest truth is CM was fairly unknown-by the general public....

Along with Hawkeye, BW, Vision, SW, WS, etc etc....

None of which really could carry a title for long on their own.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
The honest truth is CM was fairly unknown-by the general public....

Along with Hawkeye, BW, Vision, SW, WS, etc etc....

None of which really could carry a title for long on their own.

It all comes down to the execution of the movies themselves as proven by the GOTG who are now all household names.