Why? It's not "weathering." Hasbro's photos simply have dramatic lighting to make the photographs look more 3-dimensional. You could probably easily light and/or photograph your copy of the figure so it looks just like Hasbro's photos. The figure would look stupid if it came with fake "shadow" effects like that painted on. Not to mention you can't "paint" shadow effects on Shaak Ti's cloak no matter how hard you try. Why would you look at that photo and expect Shaak Ti's cloak to have black splotches colored on it when you receive the toy? And why would you want that? Lighting and paint...two completely different things.
sorry dude, i think you're wrong. the hasbro photos are touched up, whether its all touched up in photoshop or they had a pro paint it, i don't know, but they're altered, not just lighting. its most obvious on the palapatine, which unfortunately i can;t find a picture of.
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