Captain Rex!!!

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Just out of curiosity does the EU state what happened to Rex after the Clone Wars? I know he's only been a part of SW for a couple of years but have any comics or anything led us to believe that he marched with Anakin into the Jedi Temple and beyond?

I could of sworn I read something that said that he left and went on his own. Kind of like the one episode where Rex is injured and is brought to a clone's farm.
My only issue with the figure, which is one that could be easily fixed (and I don't mind fixing), is the pristine perfectly clean skirts on the heavily worn and damaged armor.
Apparently the clones get phased into the NEW armour in S3.Rex doesnt agree with it (cause if it aint broke,dont fix it) perhaps when order 66 comes down,Rex doesnt get the order to kill jedi,cause he may still be in the old armour etc etc?just a guess....

Anyways,he looks awesome in these new pics...lovin the rocket pack too.
Ah got ya. Not gonna lie didn't have a clue on that one. :lol Guess I'm brain dead from looking for a damn job. :lol
Don't feel bad, for as long as Ive been here, I only learned that acronym less than 2 weeks ago:lol I kept seeing it in one of the Predator threads and just thought it meant Black Super Predator:slap
Ah got ya. Not gonna lie didn't have a clue on that one. :lol Guess I'm brain dead from looking for a damn job. :lol

i know the economy is tough right now, but the idea of further cutting back on education never fails to sadden me. what will it take to make the politicians realize the importance of the broadening of young minds? i wish you good luck in your search… if you put the same sort of passion into your teaching as you do with collecting, i am certain you must be a great educator.
Yeah, I don't get what these guys can't see either. Kind of amazing really but I'm not shocked they don't see it at this point. Kind of lost faith in most things like this. Thank you! Looks as if I'll be sitting this school year out. I did. I loved working with kids. It was as fun as anything I do. I'd like to think I was good at it not great yet but good.
hang in there. the world needs educators such as yourself who have a passion for their work… someone needs to teach the future decision makers that everyone benefits from an educated population (where perhaps today, only politicians benefit from an uneducated one).
I'm trying. Something might turn up late I hope. Keep those fingers crossed. I agree with ya totally man.
awesome figure. still a bit surprised no ex version. no incentive to buy from ssc, i usually hold off to see if it goes on sale.
SS needs to make Echo and Fives to go along with Rex.

it would be cool if sideshow developed a customizer's kit… decals… stencils… paints… give us 100s of options (think xbox live avatar) and i am certain blank clones would sell off the hook.