60 is still a decent run. People die at 30 from drug related problems. (i have my suspicions that she may have still been doing them)
Hope she makes it.
You're in your 20s aren't you?![]()
They finished filming E8 with her but what are they going to do about E9!
Man this just sucks, I am so heart broken right now.
Not our Princess.![]()
Rey is your new Princess now, boy!!
No, 60 is not a "descent run". 60 is a tragedy. You barely have a clue who you are and what you have and what it all means until you're close to 40. That's when you gain the wisdom of context. Just because there are people who pass away at 30' or 20, or as babies...or before they are even permitted to live, Has no baring on the tragedy of losing someone as young as 60.
But speaking of context, it's all about the quality of the time you spend. There are those with considerable wisdom who pack a lifetime of wonder into just a handful of years...but I'd still consider their death a 60 a tragedy. So much more to see.
As for Carrie, I suspect life is calling in some markers from a youth spent at times wisdom-free. Here's hoping her later years, and these years, gift her with both the vision and opportunity to "begin to make things right."
Praying for you, CF.
60 is a crazy young age to die in this era.
Tragic, let's hope she's ok.
Try again.
It's called being acquainted with death. And so 60 is a decent run no matter how you look at it, people die younger than that every day. If you get 60 years consider it a blessing. (but you might not make it that long with all the fast food you eat)
Hope Carrie is ok!
Updates are hard to find, but just read that it's "confirmed" she's on a ventilator. With the news media who knows, but since they are being so secretive it doesn't sound the best. Hope she pulls through.
As Rogue One showed it doesn't really matter if one is alive or not.