Loving the Batman set ups. Hope my Catwoman comes with good eyes.
You guys think Superman PF fits in with the Batman PF line up?
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Supes looks fine with the Batman line up. Especially if you're trying to create that poster from the Hush series.
Yeah, he's good with Clark, it's Batman and everyone else that looks odd
The eye is a little off, like many of them. Not the worst I've seen but still off, you going to request a replacement?
definitely googly still but not the worst. that being said, i would still ask for a replacement or a small refund and have the eyes repainted.
They're all like that... Or worse?Not sure. Wanted to get some opinions to see if I was being overly critical or not.
Got an email saying I'm not getting mine till Feb!!!!
Are you full-pay?
For those of us getting charged on the 8th, I wonder if it will be delayed?
My fiance ordered Ivy and got reward points as a consolation for the extensive delays, anyone seeing that with this or their Ivy?
Yes, several people on the Ivy thread have confirmed this. As far as I know, it only applies to people that already paid her off sometime last month when she was supposed to ship (i.e. paid their final flex payment or the full amount if they were a full payer). That means anyone that still has remaining unpaid flex payments for Ivy or full payers that have not yet been charged would be ineligible for the RP. For example, I made my final flex payment for Ivy on December 15th so I was eligible. I suppose if her delay continues indefinitely due to the port strike, others may get something for their trouble too.
As far as Catwoman goes, there hasn't been any delays for flex payers yet that I know of and the full payers are scheduled to be charged around January 8th. We'll see what happens.
They delayed my Final Flex twice on Catwoman, the first time from 12/25 to 1/5 and now from 1/5 to 2/5.