The closest comparison of headsculpt quality is that of Eleven's stuff like Logan and Battfleck. So much so I wouldn't be surprised if they were made by the same factory. The inset teeth on the spare sculpt use the same tech as Logan, and the packaging baggies are also the same (not that that is an indicator alone, but in conjunction with the previous).
And those I say are comprable to HT from right before they started using the really realistic eyes. I'd say he's on par with my HT Prince of Persia in terms of paint apps. Some accessories have some cut corners in application if you look closely, but others like the hatchet and machete are primo.
The backpack is a little finicky as far as getting things into it - but it is well made. A lot of it is a finishing touch application once you've posed the figure so they don't slide around. You just need to take your time seeing how straps move.