i was visiting my mom over the weekend and she told me she had dug up some of my old star wars books. I thought these were long gone. She found my esb coloring book and my star wars storybook. You want to talk about a trip back in time.
It is so cool to see how i looked at all things sw when i was 8.
even back in 1980 i thought his jacket was blue.... :d
just a couple of pages i thought were interesting. Why did i think the buildings on cloud city were orange?
this is the book i looked at every night before bed. There was no internet, no sw on tv. This book was the only thing i had that had pictures from the movie. These two pictures in particular were the ones that really stayed with me over the years. The "three tuskens" and vader looking down at the fallen rebel troopers. These images are star wars to me. I will never forget the first time i saw these pictures. I get kinda overwhelmed thinking that i held this book as a 6 year old.
i know these are not pictures of new customs, but this is why to this day i love star wars so much and enjoy doing custom work. I have always enjoyed coloring, drawing and painting star wars stuff. Even when i was 8, i tried to get things accurate.

anyways, i just wanted to share this with you guys. To me, this is what the hobby is all about.