Chances of a new Buffy PF?

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Super Freak
Dec 17, 2011
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Slim to none? With two already I'm thinking so. Although I would love if they brought out a new buffy PF as anniversary or commemorative edition piece :)
This would be a dream come true, but yeah, even I'M growing skeptical.

I wish something would come along though.

I just finished Buffy for the umpteenth time, and recently started Angel again. So much goodness still after all of these years and viewings. I'm always looking for more collectibles.
I even started a thread years back in the "Ask Sideshow" section. Didn't get much hope from that. :( :lol
A new Buffy PF would be a dream come true! My ultimate orgasmic Buffy PF would be from "Becoming" with her in the running scene wearing that long teal jacket. That's such an awesome, classic scene and it would look great in PF form!
Maybe some company like Hollywood Collectibles will get the license and give us a 1/4 scale statue. They've done statues for some mid-tier properties that don't always get much attention elsewhere.

My main hope is that we get a 1/6 Buffy action figure from the company that's giving us the Malcolm Reynolds with the awesome headsculpt. My Buffy PF is good enough for me (it's the best SMG likeness out there), but there has never been a really great Buffy 1/6 figure.

Actually what I really wish is that someone would create a more detailed base that I could attach my Buffy PF to. I hate the nameplate on the base and I hate the bare-bones nature of it. Something like a cemetery base would be neat.
I've just recently discovered Buffy, and am enjoying the heck out of it. Would love to see nice, high end 1/6 scale figures of, say, Buffy, Angel, and Faith, but realize that ship has sailed. Show was released just a bit too early, as the merchandise available when it was fresher in people's minds couldn't hope to match up to what some companies are able to put out nowadays.
I think it would sell well. Maybe not an extensive new PF line but another Buffy would. I agree, I don't like the titled bases either and it doesn't go with other PFs.
Just picked up a black dress Buffy off eBay a few days ago. Didn't like the red pants version.
Just picked up a black dress Buffy off eBay a few days ago. Didn't like the red pants version.

I'm so jealous. I have the red pants version and I've always wanted the black dress one. It's the only Buffy line PF I don't have in my collection. Hopefully I'll be able to find one when the time is right for my budget.
Thanks. I've gone back and forth for years about getting her. I almost bought her a long time ago when she was cheap, but decided to get out of collecting. Then I got back in a year and a half ago, but focus on PFs from movies and TV series only ( except 3 Marvel pieces ) and needed a couple of females in the collection so decided Buffy was back on the want list and Seven of Nine is next.
Just picked up a black dress Buffy off eBay a few days ago. Didn't like the red pants version.

I like the idea of the black dress one but it's very first season, whereas I think the red pants one encapsulates a look over a wider time span of the show. Also, the hair sculpt and paint isn't amazing on either, but Ive always thought the black dress is especially horrible. It looks all matted and gross around her shoulders. It's still a good representation of SMG though.
They both have pros and cons. I nevr liked the likeness or paint on the red pants and the red pants are NOT very flattering of a fit. They make her look like she has no ass since they fit so baggy on her. Just my opinion.
They both have pros and cons. I nevr liked the likeness or paint on the red pants and the red pants are NOT very flattering of a fit. They make her look like she has no ass since they fit so baggy on her. Just my opinion.

Yeah, they're a little baggy. The eyebrows paint on both are pretty bad, and the colour of the hair on the red pants is too yellow.
Every time I see this thread with a new post, I hurry to think there's a chance of a new release or a re-release. Man, gonna need time with the therapist again....haha.