Character Doctor Who 5" figures

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The board has been going wonky since Dave did his maintenance yesterday. My post count has been going up an down so much from posts being deleted and reappearing that I am starting to get dizzy. :yuck
Yea soon as I made that last post I went and checked it out. Makes me sad because I listed everything I got between eBay, WhoNA and then a Forbidden Planet order (that still hasn't shipped :monkey4). Needless to say I'm getting well caught up. Oh, and the girlfriend has done the best thing ever - She bought me the TARDIS playset for my birthday...which I am going to mod the hell out of. I want at least metal grating floors, more wall and the hanging wires.. but I may just go and make everything metal. :lol
So apparently there are new CO releases on eBay. We will be getting:

Destroyed Cassandra (empty rusted Cassandra frame from New Earth, new sculpt), Rose with Ice Gun (same New Earth Rose, just added an ice gun), Doctor 10 in glasses with Wire (previously exclusive to 10 figure box set), Smashed Helmet Spacesuit Doctor (Satan Pit Doctor [AGAIN] with the glass 'busted' out), Toby Zed (un-possessed, definitely getting this), GITD Ood (eyes and translation orb glow).

Also I read something interesting on but it was taken down due to it being something to do with CO NDA... but if anyone wants I suppose I can talk about it? Yes, no?
Yes. Do tell. :D

Well some ********* broke the NDA and reported on these:

LOTL Martha Jones with OPEN and reveling Toclafane, re-release of the Master with new plastic and Toclafane. S3 Jack with Doctor's Hand, S3 Jack in overcoat and handgun, 100 year old non regenerated Doctor (interchangable head with normal Doctor), 900 year old Doctor, Space Suit Doctor (again!) with Satan Pit urns [debate if it's really the Doctor or possibly Ida Scott], Slitheen Skin Suit [with Slitheen or not no one knows], Jack with Captains Hat (from Empty Child).

Now that list is a mix of the broken NDA and blacked out images from the newest issue of Tomarts. Some of those may come out, some not may not, but that's a list of what is rumored at moment. Included in the Tomarts blacked out images are a neutral S1 Rose, a Cyberman with preacher gun, a "hologram" 9th Doctor, "regeneration" 10th Doctor (basically 10s head on disco 9's body), the "destroyed" Cassandra from my last post, Astrid and the Host which are confirmed. I think that about covers it. Like I said some or all may not come out, except Astrid and The Host.. which were confirmed and pictured in ads.
I got these this morning,


Overall I'm pleased with them. The Sarah Jane figure is better than I expected though a decent paintjob would really benefit the headsculpt and K9 is identical to his previous "clean" version. The Editor has a great likeness and the Sycorax Warrior is pretty good too.
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I got these this morning,


Overall I'm pleased with them. The Sarah Jane figure is better than I expected though a decent paintjob would really benefit the headsculpt and K9 is identical to his previous "clean" version. The Editor has a great likeness and the Sycorax Warrior is pretty good too.

I can't wait for these to hit the States!
Why have they not done a Sycorax in 12"? That's one of the cooler alien designs and the episode introduced Tennant. I like what they've done in 12" but this would seem to be a natural.
An update from
Captain Jack Harkness figure is identical to earlier releases with the addition of a Cap Accessory. This Jack figure has no improved articulation
Sycorax Leader is the same as the existing Series 1 figure but minus the Whip and Staff accessories
The Ninth Doctor is identical to the Series: 1 "neutral pose" Doctor (including burgundy shirt), but with the addition of Auton Arm, Auton Mickey Head (this is a NEW sculpt/paint finish NOT simply the head from the existing Series: 2 figure - the hair is sculpted to resemble the longer style and sideburns worn by Noel Clarke during Series: 1)
Gelth Zombie - identical to the established Series: 1 figure but the head and the hands are painted with Glow in the Dark paint
Slitheen - identical to the single Slitheen release from 2006
The Editor - same as existing figure

Yaaaaaaay a Cpt. Jack with a 2!

Worth noting that right now these are Woolworths exclusive. A few are coming out later .. it's all very warped and twisted with these.
Why have they not done a Sycorax in 12"? That's one of the cooler alien designs and the episode introduced Tennant. I like what they've done in 12" but this would seem to be a natural.

Looks like they're going to phase out the 12" line as it's not selling very well, which I find a crying shame personally as I don't have any interest really in the 5" figures.

Oh a similar note heres a link to some of the early designs for the new Who minimate line. Which includes a Captain Jack, Martha, and two versions of the good Doctor.
Marc, wait and see if the Rose figure is released domestically with the Ice Gun as it's the same one that's out there and decent. Also do yourself a favor and find Sarah Jane and K9, as he is the same in both packs.
I got my 9th Doctor fig this morning and while it is the neutral posed one (I don't like the action pose Doc/Rose) I was disappointed that he didn't come with the sonic screwdriver. I have two doctors and NO SONIC SCREWDRIVER. Whats with that? :google
I got my 9th Doctor fig this morning and while it is the neutral posed one (I don't like the action pose Doc/Rose) I was disappointed that he didn't come with the sonic screwdriver. I have two doctors and NO SONIC SCREWDRIVER. Whats with that? :google

CO has a thing against accessories, well they used to anyway. From now on all figures will come with something but the figures previous to the S4 and Tweak wave are hit and miss.
It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't come with hands that are obviously sculpted to hold a screw driver. :lol