Sheen's Korner was great tonight.. 60 mins of madness
What was that on?
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Sheen's Korner was horse Sh....
His schtick is going to get tired. Horrid show, his writers stink and it would have been better if he just turned on the cams and acted as he did in his personal life instead of trying to follow the writing and schtick.
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Hey, I like the guy!
It doesn't happen very often butI get no entertainment from this tool or his antics. Drug addicts are sad people, I have been around to many in my life to enjoy watching Sheen and his train wreck circus act. The only difference between this guy and the people you see on Intervention is he's rich, and instead of people regarding him as a drug addicted junkie they like to see him as a eccentric, funny celeb "telling it like it is".
My guess is people who are enjoying watching this guy have never delt with drugs, or addicts, in a series manner in their life. Good for them I guess.
I get no entertainment from this tool or his antics. Drug addicts are sad people, I have been around to many in my life to enjoy watching Sheen and his train wreck circus act. The only difference between this guy and the people you see on Intervention is he's rich, and instead of people regarding him as a drug addicted junkie they like to see him as a eccentric, funny celeb "telling it like it is".
My guess is people who are enjoying watching this guy have never delt with drugs, or addicts, in a series manner in their life. Good for them I guess.
It doesn't happen very often but![]()
I had blood relatives that were addicted, several of them and it's not a nice thing for someone close to watch and see as the person you knew literally change and dissapear.
I don't know Sheen or his work for that matter (saw him on an episode of friends once), but I do know about addiction and how it destroys people and the people around them.
I get no enjoyment from watching it happen so I've not even seen any of this (interviews etc) cos I know what it will be and it's just sad and disturbing. I didn't even know anything was going on with him till I read this. I'm not gonna watch while someone destroys their life, I've been there, done that and it's not pleasant.
Warner Bros. fires Charlie Sheen from 'Men'
Studio sends letter informing actor of his termination
By Cynthia Littleton
Charlie Sheen's employment on "Two and a Half Men" has been formally terminated by Warner Bros.
The studio sent the actor a letter today informing him of the termination. Sheen had another season to go on his contract with the studio for the CBS laffer, which was shut down for the rest of this season by the studio and network on Feb. 24 because of Sheen's increasingly erratic behavior and hard-partying lifestyle.
Sheen had been promising to take legal action against the studio ever since Warner Bros. TV and CBS made the decision to shutter "Men."
Reps for the studio said no final decision has been made about the fate of the "Men" on CBS next season, other than the fact that Sheen will not be on the series.
Knew that was coming! Can't blame them really. He'll sue now for sure.