I just got a PM from Chris and Joy's close personal fried, Lara.
Wow, I am floored! What an incredible guy. What a huge loss not only to his family and friends that knew him, but also to all of us that wish we had known him better. I always wanted to meet him person someday.
I respected him and his work, and enjoyed getting the great custom ALIENS marines stuff from him. I will cherish everything I have got from him right down to the Gerber knives for my marines. My Hicks proudly wears the armor clasp on his chest made by Chris...over his painted heart. Here's a picture showing it on my custom Hicks' armor after I painted it and glued it on over the heart.
Here's a picture of the Hick's heart armor clasp/hinge, the Hudson "flying Skull" bolo tie clip, and a Gerber knife in its sheath, and a special unsheathed knife I asked Chris to make for me for my custom Bishop to hold for the "knife trick".
Here's a more closeup picture of me holding the two knives...
A closeup of me holding Chris's Hicks armor clasp/hinge for the chest armor (unpainted resin)
One last picture of Chris's work of the "winged skull" bolotie clip for my Hudson's armor...
I'm fighting back tears now and that's the truth. Yeah, I'm a big "softy" and I'm really going to miss Chris.
Rest In Peace Chris! Godspeed, and I'll never forget you.