Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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I have 4 heads on order, 2 House, 1 River, and one David.
I assumed I would never see the David, but the others were done and were ordered UNPAINTED, and UNDRILLED and still nothing. How much easier can you get than to just pop them in an envelope and mail them?
I have 4 heads on order, 2 House, 1 River, and one David.
I assumed I would never see the David, but the others were done and were ordered UNPAINTED, and UNDRILLED and still nothing. How much easier can you get than to just pop them in an envelope and mail them?

The guy is probably using your money to clean up after a jerk off session.
He is not coming back here.
I never defended his actions. I've said repeatedly that he made some serious mistakes, and should be accountable for them.
I simply said you didn't need to act like a mob and do stupid things which lowered you way below his level. (such as the member on this board that sent letters to his elderly father, harassed previous employers, friends, etc).
I hear from chris frequently, and because i'm polite, he's very upfront with me.
And i think even if you didn't talk with him directly, he'd still post updates for you on these boards when he could. Not anymore though.
But i was never stupid enough to assume i was getting anything very soon. Let alone would i have put in more than the 60 bucks or so i did with the false assumption that it wasn't a risk to do so.
Frankly, you people in for hundreds of bucks? I think you were kinda foolish to do that in the first place. But you took a gamble, just like I did.
I wish you the best, no matter what at getting your stuff. And i urge all of you to press on (i'd hope in a more mature fashion) to get your items that you payed for, or get your money back.
I've also said that even if i get my items, i'm going to continue to do what i can to post updates for chris if he relays information to me, so that everyone is not kept in the dark.

But it didn't have to be like this. You formed a mob, and you pushed him out. And while that might make you feel all proud and special, all it did was backfire, and make things worse. You upset him, attacked him, and increased his amount of crap to wade through in order to get work done. And to top it off, made the chances worse for those of us who were calm to begin with of getting our items. So thanks for that! So while i don't agree with him leaving the boards, i can understand that to even attempt to remain here with the hostility that was present, would be a mistake, or at least one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks for someone who is already a busy person.

He bit off more than he could chew. And as a reasonable person, i understand that he made a mistake. Does that clear him of responsibility? Of course not. But hopefully the lesson will be learned from. He's blown his reputation in 1/6th. I'd agree. He could perhaps salvage it if in the coming months he continues to try and finish all the work he has taken money for, and either ship it out, or give refunds.
But if we are being realistic.. lets consider this. If he took the money, and didn't know how far in he was over his head.. do you honestly think he still has it all?
I don't. And so if he even attempts to refund, it will have to be done on a case by case basis i'd assume. And I would hope that he does that.
But since i'm not his ultimate defender (despite what some fools on here love to say about anyone who dares forgive someone who took on too much work and made some mistakes).. I also realize that he might not refund. And legal actions might need to be taken.
And if that happens, so be it. But it would just be nice if people were a little more mature and civil about it. Most of you just seem to have fun flinging insults and jabs around. And you are so upset about the possible loss of your money (not a trivial thing by far) that you somehow feel the need to attack anyone who attempts to calm the situation and solve problems instead of creating them.

It's also very clear to me now exactly who some of the culprits are in this mess. Chris hinted to many of you that you should not believe everything you hear from some people. That they have other motives to their actions.
But that could never be, right? After all. No competition, even from recasters in this profession. Right?

My first objections were that a lot of you were following some like blind sheep off a cliff, without knowing all the sides of the story. I still believe this to be true. I've told chris i would keep certain information between us so that it doesn't create even more problems. But i'll easily say that there are many people on this board who are to blame for escalating this problem, and who did so out of revenge and fear of Chris. That, coupled with the way we all reacted, and the further personal attacks, involving of law enforcement and courts, contacting employers, etc.. you all basically screwed yourselves into a very tight spot.

You didn't have to pretend everything was perfect. I knew something was wrong months ago. But you stood a better chance at getting what you paid for or what you had hoped to pay for, if you had remained calm, and not jumped on the bandwagon of chaos. You can encourage someone, and push them to complete a project in a lot of ways. Even if it takes time. But you can also squeeze someone until they pop, and then get nothing in return.

While i love these boards, i'm kind of ashamed at how a lot of you have behaved. And I think the comments made my some other customizers on here who had similar problems shed some very good light on just how unforgiving a lot of people can be.

Go ahead. Attack me now. Call me chris's little buttsniffer or something. It seems to be what most of you feel is the correct course of action. :/
you pushed him out.

I call BS on that. Mostly everyone here agrees that Chris has pretty much brought this on himself at this point. Even after collector49's thread. We are a very forgiving community. Just look at some of the other situations and binds customizer's have gotten into. But with Chris refusing to show up or answer particular emails has just escalated the situation. Especially after he said he had shipped out a bunch of House heads around a month ago. What was up with that lie? Ask him the next time you guys chat.
He's not coming back eh? So he's hiding behind the fact that a few people spoiled the barrel eh. Well why hasn't he emailed those that haven't pissed him off and done something responsible. Anything responsible? His inaction speaks for itself. How is anyone to contact him with all his internet chaos? He should be contacting us. He's not defending himself and he's not addressing the situation.


You can just contact his state's attroney general.
Happen to have a link?
Not going to attack you, dude. But if there were these other customizers out there who wanted to profit off commissions that Chris had already taken then all he'd needed to do was do the heads, let the work speak for itself and let he market dry up (I'm assuming that's the motive these other so-called customizers would have had for denigrating his name). I don't know. Just sounds weird and a little paranoid to me, and more like another excuse from Chris. I'm out around $90 with Chris for the GB heads that may never materialize, and I don't intend on taking legal action. It's in his court now. It's his responsibility. If he comes out with masterpiece heads down the road, then awesome. But I'm still picking up Spenser's. And attack the nay-sayers all you want, pal, but Chris' behavior has been straight up BS and deserving of everything that's been dished his way. And you're upset about the mob? This is a mob, dude. It's the internet! There's no screening process! Chris came in and took a bunch of people's money and refuses to communicate. And you're surprised that people are acting the way they are? I don't know, man. Reality check time.
You have got to be kidding me.... Honestly I have stayed out of this except for watching it all unfold and I really don't have anything at stake here other than this whole situation has totally changed the attitude on the board and being a custom artist I feel the ripples just as everyone else. The point is is is pure stupid to try and spin this aroung like people should feel bad about there actions. Did it get out of hand..yes, but all he had to do was just post a freaking update. Every artist on here, myself included has gotten a little bit behind and all it takes is just post an update and assure people that they are getting what they ordered. Also when doing so don't lie about it repeatedly and then have the gault to act shocked when they question you. Are you that God Dammed arrogant to think we are that far beneath you we dare not question you about it. Most people wouldn't have reacted as bad as they did save for his freaking ego.

Geeze.... what a mess and load of crap...
I'm not sure what is worse. Chris not sending out the heads or you acting like a complete tool now. Is it really necessary to start calling other members names, just because they might of had a different opinion on how to handle it then you? Jeez, grow up.


:monkey2 That was so awesome, much obliged Tom Selleck.

What color is the sky in Chris’s world? Just wondering.

Seriously… it was everyone else’s fault? :banghead:banghead:banghead
I said from the beginning that forming a mob (and especially contacting his family or employer) wasn't the right course of action. But if Chris is going to use the actions of a very small minority of posters as a justification for abandoning everyone else AND stealing their money... Then I just don't know what to say.
Someone, anyone, answer two questions about Chris Howes for me without using the words "recaster" and "Russian."

1. A month ago, in Chris's own words, all the unpainted and undrilled House heads shipped. It's the second time in two months he has said all the heads were shipped. Who besides me has received one and posted photos of it?

2. Chris promised to post photographs of the progress he has made on the Maximus project seven times, and nothing was posted any of these seven times. This series of promises dates back to January. How many months do I have to be promised photos that never come, before it's justified to be frustrated out loud?

I don't want the Maximus progress photos now. I want the finished product, and I want it yesterday.

My birthday is in two days. As a present to myself, I am mailing off the papers to sue Chris Howes in small claims court. The court date will be set thirty days later. That is ample time for him to make good on the Maximus project or refund my money. No more games for me.
But i'll easily say that there are many people on this board who are to blame for escalating this problem, and who did so out of revenge and fear of Chris.

Fear? Revenge?

Didn’t this start when Collector49 asked him to just plain communicate with the board, to just simply inform on the status of projects, and later to find out why people on ebay were getting the items that SSF members had already paid for months ago. Who’s afraid, and what was there to be afraid about?

All kidding aside I hope Chris gets the work he’s be paid for done and shipped at some point. But the instant Chris realized he was in over his head he should have made it right, right then and there, not disappear and cut communication.

Chris could have solved this way back with one big picture of his work bench.
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He is not coming back here.
I never defended his actions. I've said repeatedly that he made some serious mistakes, and should be accountable for them.
I simply said you didn't need to act like a mob and do stupid things which lowered you way below his level. (such as the member on this board that sent letters to his elderly father, harassed previous employers, friends, etc).
I hear from chris frequently, and because i'm polite, he's very upfront with me.
And i think even if you didn't talk with him directly, he'd still post updates for you on these boards when he could. Not anymore though.
But i was never stupid enough to assume i was getting anything very soon. Let alone would i have put in more than the 60 bucks or so i did with the false assumption that it wasn't a risk to do so.
Frankly, you people in for hundreds of bucks? I think you were kinda foolish to do that in the first place. But you took a gamble, just like I did.
I wish you the best, no matter what at getting your stuff. And i urge all of you to press on (i'd hope in a more mature fashion) to get your items that you payed for, or get your money back.
I've also said that even if i get my items, i'm going to continue to do what i can to post updates for chris if he relays information to me, so that everyone is not kept in the dark.

But it didn't have to be like this. You formed a mob, and you pushed him out. And while that might make you feel all proud and special, all it did was backfire, and make things worse. You upset him, attacked him, and increased his amount of crap to wade through in order to get work done. And to top it off, made the chances worse for those of us who were calm to begin with of getting our items. So thanks for that! So while i don't agree with him leaving the boards, i can understand that to even attempt to remain here with the hostility that was present, would be a mistake, or at least one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks for someone who is already a busy person.

He bit off more than he could chew. And as a reasonable person, i understand that he made a mistake. Does that clear him of responsibility? Of course not. But hopefully the lesson will be learned from. He's blown his reputation in 1/6th. I'd agree. He could perhaps salvage it if in the coming months he continues to try and finish all the work he has taken money for, and either ship it out, or give refunds.
But if we are being realistic.. lets consider this. If he took the money, and didn't know how far in he was over his head.. do you honestly think he still has it all?
I don't. And so if he even attempts to refund, it will have to be done on a case by case basis i'd assume. And I would hope that he does that.
But since i'm not his ultimate defender (despite what some fools on here love to say about anyone who dares forgive someone who took on too much work and made some mistakes).. I also realize that he might not refund. And legal actions might need to be taken.
And if that happens, so be it. But it would just be nice if people were a little more mature and civil about it. Most of you just seem to have fun flinging insults and jabs around. And you are so upset about the possible loss of your money (not a trivial thing by far) that you somehow feel the need to attack anyone who attempts to calm the situation and solve problems instead of creating them.

It's also very clear to me now exactly who some of the culprits are in this mess. Chris hinted to many of you that you should not believe everything you hear from some people. That they have other motives to their actions.
But that could never be, right? After all. No competition, even from recasters in this profession. Right?

My first objections were that a lot of you were following some like blind sheep off a cliff, without knowing all the sides of the story. I still believe this to be true. I've told chris i would keep certain information between us so that it doesn't create even more problems. But i'll easily say that there are many people on this board who are to blame for escalating this problem, and who did so out of revenge and fear of Chris. That, coupled with the way we all reacted, and the further personal attacks, involving of law enforcement and courts, contacting employers, etc.. you all basically screwed yourselves into a very tight spot.

You didn't have to pretend everything was perfect. I knew something was wrong months ago. But you stood a better chance at getting what you paid for or what you had hoped to pay for, if you had remained calm, and not jumped on the bandwagon of chaos. You can encourage someone, and push them to complete a project in a lot of ways. Even if it takes time. But you can also squeeze someone until they pop, and then get nothing in return.

While i love these boards, i'm kind of ashamed at how a lot of you have behaved. And I think the comments made my some other customizers on here who had similar problems shed some very good light on just how unforgiving a lot of people can be.

Go ahead. Attack me now. Call me chris's little buttsniffer or something. It seems to be what most of you feel is the correct course of action. :/

This is complete BS and he knows it. I have not seen anyone attacking him for any reason other than the fact he took their money and ran.

He has repeatedly lied and given some of the lamest excuses I have ever seen.

There is not anyone person that has any other motives or reasons to attack or ruin him as he is claiming. He took on more work than he could handle and blamed all the problems on everyone that sent him money in good faith. He was never at fault was he.

Ask him the following Husker75 since you seem to be the only one that he is still communicating with.

1. Way back before any of this started and he was communicating with people why did all communications suddenly stop as soon as a refund was requested.

2. Why does he have to lie about things that are not done and that have not been shipped out. He has stated numerous times to people that things were done and have shipped only to have nothing arrive weeks later. He has lied to me on 3 occasions that he had shipped my stuff and nothing ever arrived.

3. There is no one that is doing this out of FEAR and REVENGE about Chris, this is just more of his BS they are doing it because he ripped them off plain and simple.

4. I am pretty sure that he does not have the money to refund anyone so why doesnt he just be a man about it and say so.

5. He has the power to make this all go away and get better. If he did the right thing then there is not one person that could launch a smear campaign for whatever reason against him that would hold up. If he was sending out things as he said he is and people were receiving them then that one person would be discredited quickly like they were a disgruntled employee. There is not just one person that is trying to "RUIN" him, he has done a fine job of that all by himself.

6. Someone pays you money you send them what they paid for, if he thinks that this person is a "RUSSIAN RECASTER" or whatever then dont send them the product and refund their money. Its really pretty simple.

I am glad he has someone that will listen and believe his BS, he has brought all of this on himself and I feel no pity for him at all......

If he can not be man enough to take blame for his own actions or lack of them then he deserves whatever he gets.........

He is the one that needs to grow up and do the right thing.
I call BS on that. Mostly everyone here agrees that Chris has pretty much brought this on himself at this point. Even after collector49's thread. We are a very forgiving community. Just look at some of the other situations and binds customizer's have gotten into. But with Chris refusing to show up or answer particular emails has just escalated the situation. Especially after he said he had shipped out a bunch of House heads around a month ago. What was up with that lie? Ask him the next time you guys chat.

As usual, i think you are all assuming i'm on his side. I currently don't have a head in my hand either, and remain a bit nervous myself.
I don't know why he lied. My guess? He was trying to calm people down. So he made another foolish mistake and lied about progress.
Which only made things worse.
So my point with that would be.. that he made lots of mistakes, and continues to do so. Including stoping communication with the boards (which i tried to stop from happening, but he doesn't seem to want to budge)..
He's not coming back eh? So he's hiding behind the fact that a few people spoiled the barrel eh. Well why hasn't he emailed those that haven't pissed him off and done something responsible. Anything responsible? His inaction speaks for itself. How is anyone to contact him with all his internet chaos? He should be contacting us. He's not defending himself and he's not addressing the situation.

Yes, i believe he is hiding behind that. I tried to convince him to come back, but I think he feels it is a waste. I think it is foolish to assume he would contact us individually, especially after his mess got bigger and bigger. But I agree that no communication is only making things worse.
Not going to attack you, dude. But if there were these other customizers out there who wanted to profit off commissions that Chris had already taken then all he'd needed to do was do the heads, let the work speak for itself and let he market dry up (I'm assuming that's the motive these other so-called customizers would have had for denigrating his name). I don't know. Just sounds weird and a little paranoid to me, and more like another excuse from Chris. I'm out around $90 with Chris for the GB heads that may never materialize, and I don't intend on taking legal action. It's in his court now. It's his responsibility. If he comes out with masterpiece heads down the road, then awesome. But I'm still picking up Spenser's. And attack the nay-sayers all you want, pal, but Chris' behavior has been straight up BS and deserving of everything that's been dished his way. And you're upset about the mob? This is a mob, dude. It's the internet! There's no screening process! Chris came in and took a bunch of people's money and refuses to communicate. And you're surprised that people are acting the way they are? I don't know, man. Reality check time.

I completely agree with what you said. He told me he confronted said recaster kindly, and this person in turn started taking actions against him in response. It does sound paranoid. And I don't know if it is an excuse or not. But i've also seen a few suspicious people on here more than happy to jump in. Especially people who have no money invested in anything chris has made. Ya know? I agree that his actions have been BS, and childish. But I don't think he has been deserving of EVERYTHING. Most? Probably. But the contacting his dad and crap? A bit extreme. But I think most of you did not understand me well. And i'm sorry for that if that is true. But in fact, i'd suggest you do NOT ignore the fact that you are in the hole. If you must, follow the actions of others and take him to small claims court or whatever if you continue to have no response. I'd contact him first, or at least make several tries. (i used ebay to contact him, and also his scult@ addy). And if he does not seem responsive, then i'd feel compelled to take action. I myself plan to do so if for some reason he doesn't come through in the next month for me. So i'm kinda in the same boat here guys!

I do think the mob mentality has gotten out of hand, and swarmed way too many threads though. It has resulted in needless name calling, mud slinging, etc. And while you may say the internet IS a mob.. i will always expect more. Especially from a group of collectors who i think are very smart, and capable of much smarter conversations and discourse.
I guess i just think this is sad to witness because I expected more from some people here. Maybe i was wrong to. But I just tend to expect better I guess. Perhaps you are right about a reality check though.
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