Sources close to the actor said he 'flew off the handle' at London's Dorchester hotel after Jenny Bale said 'some outrageous things'.
However, a source close to the 34-year-old actor says Bale is confident he’s done nothing wrong, and blames his mother.
The source said: ‘Christian was stressed, but he didn’t lay a finger on anyone. Instead, he flew off the handle and cussed his mother. He just got very loud because his mother was saying some very outrageous things about him and his wife.’
‘Normally Christian would just call a friend and go out to a pub to cool off. But he was literally trapped into this confrontation with his mother and sister because there was an army of fans and paparazzi outside.’
The source also claimed Bale had been deeply affected by the death of Ledger.
A friend said: 'Christian pretends he's calm and collected but you really started to see the cracks in his façade in January, right after Heath Ledger had died.
'Christian was in the middle of a very brief break from work when he heard the news, and it was massive blow to him.
'They had become very close during the making of The Dark Knight and Christian went into virtual hiding for the six weeks after Heath was found dead.
‘He wasn't returning phone calls and he wasn't a happy man. It's foolish to think that he's been able to completely shake off that grief just as Heath and his work is finally being seen by audiences.
'He expected to share this moment with his friend, and now he can't.