Dave's a big boy. He has heard and seen it all before.
Spidey, Wasn't it just one guy who said that people who liked this were not "true fans?" I only say that because your comment makes it seem that all of us who don't like it are bashing on those that do.
In all honesty with the exception of a few the comments about this piece have been pretty tame. This is nothing like "Wormgate"
Just setting the record straight for those that are just starting to visit this thread.
Put me in the "Think the head sculpt is good, HATE THE POSE, don't like the dam" category. Even if he did strike that pose in the movie or movie stills I would still not care for it. It looks awkward to me and unnatural. Hell even the Chin has said it looks off.... And he loves the thing. But it is 1/4 scale Christopher Reeve and the head sculpt is pretty dead on. So I can see why many are happy.
I think he actually looks pretty nice and natural from this angle. But all others just don't look right to me.
Still I look forward to seeing more of him at SDCC and when people get him In Hand. Superman the Movie is one of my all time fav comic book films so it will be fun to see this piece in peoples collections... Hope it meets the expectations of those that ordered it.