lol@$300 head sculpts
Glad I cancelled.
After seeing so complex line of Court of the Dead, I couldn't understand how Sideshow can't nail a human body? Or how do they approve this proto? Everything is wrong with this statue
I'm not sure your Photoshop skills can save this one Josh.... His outfit is bad, his pose is bad his likeness is bad, it's just a bad statue all around... For a big company like Sideshow they should of thrown this out and started over... Just goes to show you the bean counters are in charge, only bean counters would push this out the door.
Any chance you can photoshop his right fist pumping hand to make it faced down similar to like his left one is?
As much as we disagree, this is the one statue I won't defend as far as putting out a poor product. Usually I'll say that art is in the eye of the beholder, but we all know that with these statues we're looking for a representation of specific character played by specific actor from a specific film and that all care should be taken to make sure it is accurately represented. While I think the over all design can be saved, you're right, it needs an overhaul.
I can't say this is all Matt Black's fault either, it starts at the concept. I think this was a team failure.
Bruce's video.
Comic PF beats this every way imaginable it's not funny and I'm a MASSIVE CR fan.