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I thought the same Chunt...
It's the eyes on both of the PF and HT figure. The overall head on the PF is good, it's just the eyes that look like garbage and he has no expression. The HT... umm... eyes too big and head too wide. haha
I quite like him. Skin tone, costume and likeness are really great IMO.
The hem on the Cape is poor however, looks unfinished. Expression on Reeve's face makes me think that's what people mean when they don't see Reeve in it, we remember Reeve as quite animated and happy in the film a lot and he really isn't on the piece. Black base thing, still don't know why they just didn't make the base just more Hoover dam.
Still like it though.
Had a small break on one of the water elements.
I am so glad that you are happy with him Chin. Know how much you have been looking forward to this one
Getting a replacement body so I'll get to destroy this one.
Just to say, and I know many of you probably own the HT, but seeing as people are talking about the likeness and comparing; that image of it above is a custom paint job by Noel Cruz
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I like the stock one better. And it's probably hundreds of dollars cheaper too.
I got this in and I have to many issues with it that outweigh the good. A small piece of the water element was broken. I put it together and on display and it looks nice BUT every time I adjust anything on or near my display it moves/wobbles. I am not really comfortable with that. Lastly I find myself wanting to constantly rotate it a bit because from certain angles it looks bad. Seeing the side/back of the base makes it look just plain bad but then I don't want to adjust it because of how unstable it is. I am going to return him this statue for me has to much working against it.
Wow...didn't expect him to come out like this...the chest symbol is too rounded...looks weird and that cape is just unacceptable to me...looks cheaper than a cheap handkerchief!
If you watch the Radd Titan youtube review, towards the end of the video they discuss the cape. Along with the fraying, a piece of the wire to pose it is actually poking out of one of the corners (which they point out to the viewers).
That is inexcusable for a piece that cost over 400.00. How that got past QC is beyond me. There is no excuse for that cape getting released and shipped with final product. Should have never happened. The cape is a big focal point.
That is inexcusable for a piece that cost over 400.00. How that got past QC is beyond me. There is no excuse for that cape getting released and shipped with final product. Should have never happened. The cape is a big focal point.
In the video, they unbox it-the SSC Quality Inspection seal is absent, there is no clear bag on the art box and the figure is not wrapped in the white protective paper-(straight in the styrofoam)-this has been a common complaint on other threads regarding this particular figure. Only thing I could think of is this might be a new factory, but that is no excuse-shouldn't someone from the Sideshow management team be there to supervise what's going on and how these figures are going out? I'm not a basher of SSC by any means-I have at least 15 of their pieces in my collection-but this is business practice 101.
So has anyone spoke with SS ab these issues that seem to be on everyone's piece. What are they saying to people who are complaini g? Mine is the exact same way. On the fence to keep it or not.