Bad Horse
I completely agree with xpl0sive. Thanks again El Mule for being a constant source of reason. Bashing the Hot Toys endo on its sculpt served no purpose but to lead this discussion into completely irrelevant territory (which too many on this forum were more than happy to venture into) while ignoring the issue at hand: concerns regarding the paint job on Chronicle's endo. With the exception of the visible pegs (couldn't they have been made less visible by making the surface of the base less even or perhaps adding some debris for the endo to step on?), there hasn't been any real criticism of the sculpt. But a poor paint job can ruin even the very best of sculpts. If anything, Chronicle did itself a disservice by trying to compare its endo to the Hot Toys endo because, while there was no doubt about the sculpt of Chronicle's endo, I think that pictures of the Hot Toys endo highlight how much better the chrome on that "cheap toy" looks compared to the paint on Chronicle's endo.