Pork Chop Express
I never drive faster than I can see...
Looks really good, I'm even impressed with size of the boxes.
Thinking about selling my Avengers SS maquette and my iron studios 1/6 avengers hulk to put towards this bad boy! Well....maybe lol
Best looking Hulk ever! The sideshow maquette doesn't even come close to this.
Hmmmm so do you guys think this will qualify for the G word?
Well at 3000.00 it should be... Having said that... I like the Maquette pose much better.. Still not sure this is 2400.00 better then the Maquette...
But it is great...
If I had some place to display such a massive piece I would have considered it... AOU pants would cause me to pause though.
C'mon Eric...you so would buy this piece if had the money! It's gonna be unreal! Never owned a Cinemaquette before but in the almost 4 years since I started out in this hobby, I've always wanted to own one. Came close a few times to owning the Predator CM but never pulled the trigger for some reasonbut I love the Avengers Hulk and it was the perfect time and character to break my CM virginity
I wouldn't say the Age of Ultron movie sucked...a bit harshgot to see more of the Hulk than in the first movie so that was always a bonus and with the upcoming Infinity Wars movies still to come, the popularity of this character and statue will only increase I reckon
I for one can't wait...and furthermore, I just found out that this will be the first statue that I've received in a pallet!
I hope this becomes valuable for those who purchase, but I have a hard time thinking it will. It's HUGE, reselling this would be a nightmare and the shipping alone will put off most potential buyers. Then, it's the movie Hulk, there's going to be more year after year and most don't like the pants on this version anyways. It's a shame SS has the 1/4 Marvel market on lock mostly, they've changed a lot with competition that can't even sell in their main market, imagine if that was different.
C'mon Eric...you so would buy this piece if had the money! It's gonna be unreal! Never owned a Cinemaquette before but in the almost 4 years since I started out in this hobby, I've always wanted to own one. Came close a few times to owning the Predator CM but never pulled the trigger for some reasonbut I love the Avengers Hulk and it was the perfect time and character to break my CM virginity
I wouldn't say the Age of Ultron movie sucked...a bit harshgot to see more of the Hulk than in the first movie so that was always a bonus and with the upcoming Infinity Wars movies still to come, the popularity of this character and statue will only increase I reckon
I for one can't wait...and furthermore, I just found out that this will be the first statue that I've received in a pallet!
Well....it's already waitlisted at Cinemaquette so a few will become available as some folks start to get cold feet, but I think at most it will retain it's value.
I have zero plans to sell this because:
1.It's my first Cinemaquette.
2. It's going to be the definitive Hulk and looks completely badass. It destroys all previous Hulks.
3. It's going to be a nightmare to ship.
#2 and #3 will pretty much be the reasons you won't see this guy on the secondary market much or at all.
This is not the definitive Hulk
This is not the definitive Hulk
Wow that is crazy. Yes this is clearly the best Hulk statue I have ever seen.