Does anyone know what cinemaquette is working on in 2017 I'm hoping to get a few pieces
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I hear there will be another Guyver 1/3. Hopefully, we will see something in at SDCC.
Does anyone know what cinemaquette is working on in 2017 I'm hoping to get a few pieces
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I hear there will be another Guyver 1/3. Hopefully, we will see something in at SDCC.
I want another Baby Groot release.A part of me regrets not getting it.
Can't you get it still? They have it here in Australia
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I can't find it in the U.S. anywhere. You need to hook me up!!!
Looks like I was too late. Only place now is eBay with their extortion prices. Sorry Chap
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The prices are really crazy, aren't they??
I saw one on eBay for $799 and I know this was being sold for a lot less than that
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