Super Freak
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, and others...
Two for one pow!!![/IMG]
Two for one pow!!![/IMG]
Two for one pow!!![/IMG]
The Fonz, of course and he wouldn't have to throw one punch.
All he would need to do was snap his fingers and say Ayyy. He never lost his cool!
Of course its fonze every time
He was an old skool neo controlling juke boxes with a clout.
Bet he can dodge bullets so bruce aint got a chance
Watersking fonze,with the jacket on hahaha
I'm liking it, the Head Sculpt is definitely looking better but still not quite Brando. I like the hat to! Where did that come from! The rolled up jeans look much better! Nice!
It's an Albert Brown visor cap. There is a trick involved have to splice the back seam to get the cap to come down, otherwise it sits higher on the head...
Yeah big improvement imo.
I know what you mean about the resemblance to cann and heston.
Maybe its because the face looks a bit thin?
You may have something there Sparks. Joel's sculpt is much better for several reasons (can't wait to get him!), but thinking ahead for another possible Brando bash, I'd like to get this one close as well.
I took the original picture of the sculpt itself and smudged it wider...does it the like Brando in another movie maybe? On the Waterfront? Or Street car named desire?
Requesting real direct feedback here. Feelings won't be hurt...I don't want to try to make something work that just won't work...
I don't think that hs will ever look like Brando, no matter how much paint work you do to it. That is not saying you haven't tried to make it look better, but I just don't see a resemblance. Now with Joel's hs, I definitely see Brando. That is my 2 cents for what it's worth.
I'm thinking of personally picking one up a doing some mods! I can see where they we're going, but the brows and bags around the eyes kill it. The bottom lip is all wrong but a easy enough fix! There's something about it! Cheers mate!
The hs looks like a young James Caan to me, especially with the hair style they gave it. I see Mississippi in El Dorado hands down & he would look fantastic next my JW.
Well, it does look similar in my eyes. He was the first person I thought of when Geronimo posted pics of his bash and that is why I asked him about it. I think once he puts your hs on it, then there will be no question who it is.
Well, good for a Caan Figure! Thanks again mate!