Cleaning a 1:1 Veteran Combat T-800

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Super Freak
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
So I've finally started the process of cleaning up the life-size veteran Endoskeleton to give it that shiny new look. I'm using the non-acetone nail polish remover pads...lots & lots of them !!

I've started with the left arm, seems like its the easiest part to clean first and see what the whole thing would look like.

It seems like the paint/black stuff is on pretty good in certain parts, I have to give it an extra push in certain areas, while in others is just wipes away easily. I'm making sure to clean the edges and hard to reach areas too, so its taking quite a while! I don't mind the time, I just want it to look good and free of residue.

Here's some shots of the work so far:







Still A LOT to do...I'll be updating the thread with new pics and information as the progress continues :cool:
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You got your work cut out for you. Sideshow should cut a deal with the nail-polish remover companies due to people like you. LoL :D
did you take a "before" photo? for the always (usually) enjoyable "before and after" part. This will be fun to watch develop
yes sir..I'll post those too :cool:

You got your work cut out for you. Sideshow should cut a deal with the nail-polish remover companies due to people like you. LoL :D
Tell me about it, lol. I think I'm gonna use one whole box for just the arm :D
yes sir..I'll post those too :cool:

Tell me about it, lol. I think I'm gonna use one whole box for just the arm :D

2 boxes for the torso probably. Another box for the other arm. Then there's the legs, and the head...we're looking at like 10 boxes or more maybe? Don't let your friends see you with them. They might get the wrong idea. LoL! "What are you doing with all the nail-polish remov....oh my god!"
Rooting for you here mate. :D
:bow :duff

2 boxes for the torso probably. Another box for the other arm. Then there's the legs, and the head...we're looking at like 10 boxes or more maybe? Don't let your friends see you with them. They might get the wrong idea. LoL! "What are you doing with all the nail-polish remov....oh my god!"
The lady at the market gave me a funny look when I was buying em' earlier today. It will be funnier when I go back for more!
Remember to keep the windows open and the fan on. Too much fumes and you'll start hearing the endo talk to you :D
Hey Felmar,

Do you plan to pick up another 1:1 Endo so you could have both displayed eventually? I know how shiny the chrome can be, but wont you miss the bad ass grime of the Combat version?
remember to use both hands when rubbing due to the amout of time this will take to finish.... or the end result will look like this

Looks great so far!

Good luck cleaning the whole thing, it'll take some time...but it'll be worth it!
If it turns out well and you survive the fumes I may very well do the same! Best of luck to you and really looking forward to seeing the final pics.
Great work. Can't wait to see the finished product. BTW, how many hours do you think you'll spend on cleaning it?
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Keep it up Felmar, you have a lot of hard work ahead of you.
Cant wait to see the finished product.
Maybe it would be more enjoyable that way. Get high, lose a few brain cells, have a cup of tea with your Endo while you clean him. :rotfl
I like that idea...btw- today the acetone started smelling like bubble that normal ??

Hey Felmar,

Do you plan to pick up another 1:1 Endo so you could have both displayed eventually? I know how shiny the chrome can be, but wont you miss the bad ass grime of the Combat version?
I don't think I'll be getting another full size endo...I lack dinero and space, lol. The grime is cool but the SHINE looks amazing !

Looks great so far!

Good luck cleaning the whole thing, it'll take some time...but it'll be worth it!
I know...what did I get myself into !?! Jus the fingers are taking me forever !

Great work. Can't wait to see the finished product. BTW, how many hours do you think you'll spend on cleaning it?
That's a good question...I can only give an estimate..and based on how long just the fingers are taking..this is going to take over 24-30hrs.

That guy must have murdered a grip of ewoks!
:lol :lol
you are familiar with the ewok murders ?