Clone Sergeant - Phase 1

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With the extra hands, they will make more exciting displays.

I hope they will continue to offer us variants from the Clone Wars series too and not just from the movies. I like some of the markings and colours seen in CW in both phase 1 and 2 armours.

Any colour, any variant!
And Commander Baccara:)

And Neyo... And a Senate Commando Captain.

I would love a Commando Droid.

Why has no one mentioned that the blasters are black now instead of cheapy grey??

Edit: i've just noticed that Cody has the same Black Blaster, but still no Black Long Blaster Rifle??? :dunno
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So what have we got clonewise pre-OT...

basic white clone
green sergeant
blue lieutenant

Rex (blue)
Boil and Waxer (yellow)

Cody (yellow -- some would say orange)
Utapau clone (yellow)

And we're missing...

AOTC red and yellow

Anyone who is not color blind would say orange. Cody is orange and so are Boil and Wexer and the Utapau. We don't have yellow ones yet. Though I can't imagine the AOTC yellow ones being far beind since we already have blue and green now. Red and Yellow are only a matter of time. Nice thing about clones is they can throw out any color variation whenever they want after that first set of armor was made. Only the Commanders require work now really.
This is by far my favourite clone released, I love the scratch on his helmet.

Arc Troopers from the 2d cartoon show and Republic Commando or Bust for me.
ordered!! you can never have too many clone or stormtroopers.
Any idea why the order page is not showing my reward points when I click on the Reward Points tab? It just says "Note: This area will appear blank if your order contains an item that is not eligible for Reward Point use. Click here for complete Sideshow Reward Points details »"

Is this item not eligible for some reason?
With the extra hands, they will make more exciting displays.

I hope they will continue to offer us variants from the Clone Wars series too and not just from the movies. I like some of the markings and colours seen in CW in both phase 1 and 2 armours.

Any colour, any variant!

I second this, i'd love some really unique figures like...

Lieutenant Thire Phase I...


Commander Stone Phase I...


Trooper Boost Phase I...


Commander Jet Phase I


Trooper Shiv Phase 1 (Cold Assault)...


Gree Phase I...


A Clone Era Pilot...


Commando Droid...

i give sideshow major props for the extra hands and feet with no added cost. i wish they would start including random clone heads with these guys though. i'm looking foward to the boil and waxer set just for that reason.
The Phase 1 LT is my favorite one so far, The detailing, the debut of the new style body glove and the new stand made for an excellent looking figure.

This new one has the added bonus of those additonal hands and the new alternate boots. If the detailing comes out as superb looking as the LT, we're in for a treat...

The one I'm hoping Sideshow gives this great treatment is the Phase 1 Commander (yellow)...add binocs and some "Geonosian" dirt on those boots and that would make an impressive looking clone...

But this Sgt is a welcome additon to the ranks!
I bet someone must have already said this... where are his binoculars? :(

Edit: For a while I thought this is the yellow trooper in AOTC, turn out he isn't.
Guess there is still chance to see the binoculars with yellow trooper release in time.
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I bet someone must have already said this... where are his binoculars? :(

He loaned them to Snowbunny Padme. :lecture :lol

Limit of six, eh? Guess they're hoping for some customizers who are willing to part with cash for the parts. Might be profitable to buy several, then part out the hands, sell them to collectors on eBay. Maybe even offer to custom-paint them in whatever color the buyer chooses. Wish I had the skills.
He loaned them to Snowbunny Padme. :lecture :lol

Limit of six, eh? Guess they're hoping for some customizers who are willing to part with cash for the parts. Might be profitable to buy several, then part out the hands, sell them to collectors on eBay. Maybe even offer to custom-paint them in whatever color the buyer chooses. Wish I had the skills.

I wonder are those binoculars of the same design?

I am please with the extra hands and feet. I will be getting one.:)
man… the Lieutenant Thire Phase I… Commander Stone Phase I… Trooper Boost Phase I… the Gree Phase I… i cannot wait to see SST tackle these!