Clone Sergeant - Phase 1

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There's a ton of cool CW characters (Clones and Separatists) that I'd love to own.

I wouldn't mind seeing some clones in the Phase 1.5 armor from last night's episode sooner rather than later.

I'm down for anything that visually looks good. I'm not a fan of the new Clone Wars cartoon but I love the clone designs and would buy figures without much of an issue.
Any troopers from both the PT and OT are must-buys for me. But top of my wishlist for now is the AT-AT Driver.

Anything from both the PT and OT are must-buys for me.:lol

Yes I too love to see a Sideshow AT-AT Driver and I wouldn't think thats too big a task for them. :)
This has to be the quickest pre-order to ship from Sideshow ever. I wonder if this was planned as some sort of exclusive earlier and something came up and it just became a quick pre-order? I mean I get its an easy clone variant, but we still had to wait the usual amount for other clone variants before.
Its one of the quickest I can remember outside of Comic-Con Ex. I think that it could have been planned as a Comic-Con Ex but they decided not to since they did that last year.
yeah, I wish Clones came out this fast. I would've been enjoying a nice looking Cody on my shelf right now

Same here though I am biased a bit cause I really love the look of the clones. Actually, armored figures in general.
Finally ordered mine. I like the bended feet, these would come in handy for my other troopers.:)
I really wish Sideshow would go back and give us these extra hands and feet for the previously released clones. Its like the clones we got first get screwed because they were made first. Doesn't really seem fair the 501st don't get all of these hands because they were made just a few months too early, etc.
I'm glad we're getting them now thats for sure. If they offered them on the other clones as far as weapons packs I'd probably pass but as long as we keep getting them I'll be happy.