Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker 1/6

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I honestly wouldn't dismiss an Ahsoka figure, but she is a very specific body style and I don't think Sideshow will invest the R&D to make it happen. And if she was released on the standard buck she would be a hot mess.

Nah, they could just utilize the Hobbit body (which they haven't touched since all the whining by the LOTR fans). All the R&D would be needed for the sculpt and outfit.
Nah, they could just utilize the Hobbit body (which they haven't touched since all the whining by the LOTR fans). All the R&D would be needed for the sculpt and outfit.

I think the Hobbit body would be to stocky... she's really thin. But maybe that could work in a real world imagining.
the standard female buck body is very slim, they would just need to scale that down.
This is the only SW 1/6 SDCC announcement from Sideshow that I'm somewhat interested in. He'll look great next to Clone Obi. But I would have been much more excited about Rex or Cody.
I don't even think it would require much scaling down, Leia is quite short compared to male figures, if Anakin is tall enough, Asohka would be pretty good in scale to him.
I think an Ahsoka figure would be a better seller than Thrawn.


I never wanted an Ahsoka figure.. but looking at Clonobi and imagining Anaclone I can just really picture a nice 3 piece display including her. Me wants now.
Another thing to keep in mind: if you watch the Clone Wars show, this Anakin is a far superior character to the whiny EP II and III portrayal. He's the dashing, confident badass I always pictured Skywalker to be when Ben reminisced about the "Clone Wars" in EP IV.
Another thing to keep in mind: if you watch the Clone Wars show, this Anakin is a far superior character to the whiny EP II and III portrayal. He's the dashing, confident badass I always pictured Skywalker to be when Ben reminisced about the "Clone Wars" in EP IV.

Which is undermined the very next second when he calls Ahsoka "snips." :lol
Hmm...I wonder if the hair on this sculpt could be modified to make an awesome ROTS Anakin sculpt. I could then replace the clothes on this Anakin with the ROTS clothes and have a pretty sweet figure. I might have to get someone to sculpt some hair for me...

I see it too....

And someone said best HC likeness yet, I say Wrong....Best likeness was on the PF.

They're right. It is the best HC likeness yet....

...with these on:

Likeness aside, he's pretty much bought. I need someone to go with Clone Obi. Now if only they'd utilize the Hobbit body and give us an Ahsoka to round out the Jedi.
No I said:
Great head sculpt, I think the best 1:6 Anakin to date.
Another buy from me, I hope Ahsoka isn't too far down the road.
I think both of you need new glasses. :p

Andy's Anakin sculpt was very good, but needed the chin/jaw line resculpted a bit to be more accurate, but the bigger issue for me is it didn't have much life to it. This one has that life the ROTS Anakin lacked and captured the character much better. Medicom's Anakin just doesn't appeal to me at all.
Personally, I think the headsculpt is good. I'm actually tempted to get this figure and I'd buy an Ahsoka one too if they release that.

I too feel the head sculpt is good. It bears a closer resemblance to the Clone Wars cartoon (rightfully so) than ROTS.
I'm kind of surprised how much I like this figure... I was really underwhelmed by Anakin in the PT as he was always whining and or moody. Both Clone Wars have been nice as it was an opportunity to see a confident and likeable side of his character.

I'd never want an Ep II version, but this is a good compromise for me.
I really like how faithful it is to the new series costume, I really liked the look of that outfit since getting the little Hasbro figure. It looks ok on TV, but having a chance to see it in 3D form, I've really come to like it.