Went to the midnight showing last night so I wouldn't get spoiled (I'm HORRIBLE at avoiding internet spoilers, I just can't help myself!). A few points
(SPOILERS BELOW, of course):
1) Other than me and the 4 other Sideshow girls, there were only about 5 girls in the audience... where are all my fellow female monster-movie lovers?
2) On that note, it's NOT a monster movie. It's a drama that happens to take place during the destruction of New York City by a monster/alien. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I just felt a little cheated because of all the pre-release build up of the monster. Tricked by marketing, if you will. And yes, I REALLY want to know more about that giant, city-shredding beastie. IMO, he/she was a better character than any of the one-note characters in the human element of the story. His/her backstory is MUCH more interesting to me than the drama/love story taking place between rich, white hipsters who I could care less about.
3) It's not great, it's not horrible. It's forgettable. There were a couple of BRILLIANT scenes (from the time they get caught in the firefight, then enter the subway tunnel, to the moment the girl explodes... and watching from the helicopter as the monster gets bombed) - but now that I've seen them, why do I ever need to see them again? The only reason they were brilliant is because they were new and exciting, and I didn't know what was going to happen.
4) For those who judge success on box office - my prediction: good money the first couple weekends (although it may not meet some expectations), then a very sharp drop, as it's really not a multiple viewing type of movie, at least for me. (which is ultimately how I, personally, differentiate between 'so-so' and 'great' movies... great ones are the ones I want to see a million times before I die... it's fun, but not Transformers-fun

5) Don't kill me, but I as far as giant monsters/chaos & terror/not knowing what the heck is going on/human-drama-during-times-of-crisis movies go, I actually prefer The Mist, by which I was much more emotionally affected (regardless of some horrible acting by Mr. Punisher and some laughable CGI) and would like to see again
6) What is this cliched, backwards-playing sound clip of 'It's still alive' that people are talking about? If it's still alive, and they do a sequel based on that, I'm gonna laugh my butt off. IF they want to make more Cloverfield movies, it would be a MUCH better idea (IMO, of course) to release more 'found footage' from the *same* 7 hours that will ultimately go together to paint a bigger picture of what's going on in NYC during that time, rather than playing the tired trick of 'but wait, fooled ya! IT'S NOT DEAD YET!!' I would be exponentially more interested in seeing more from the same 7 hours than just watching the monster tear through a different city.
In summary, it's definitely worth seeing once on the big screen with a great sound system... it's a good popcorn flick, and although it's in no way a 'thrill-a-minute rollercoaster ride' (as a few have called it, for some odd reason), it's a certainly a fun time at the theater.
Dusty's review: 2 3/4 out of 5 (couldn't quite bring myself to give it a full 3)