Other than the narrative device of using a home camera Cloverfield has nothing in common with the Blair Witch. To me it's like saying Nightmare Before Christmas is a Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ripoff because they're both stop motion animated or Beowulf is the same as Polar Express because of the CGI facial capture or even The Man Who Wasn't There is a Casablanca ripoff because they both are in black and white.
Nothing happened in Blair Witch expect people wandering in the woods complaining until the last minute or two and even that wasn't clear. The witch that we never see got 'em somehow. At least Cloverfield has a throughline and a theme, however weak you may think "keep the people you love close to you and let them know how you feel about them" is. Also Cloverfield has tons of action, imaginative fx (the destruction of the city street at the start was especially amazing), haunting images (the riderless Central Park carriage wandering the streets), and it actually shows the monster several times. Blair Witch had the novelty of telling a story through a home camera first but in every other way that's important, stylistically, structurally and thematically they are extremely different films.