Collection End Game?

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Speaking only for myself, the idea of doing this for much longer without an end in sight seems... worrisome..

Sad to me even.

Ideally I'd like to be finished within a few years time.

The thing with collecting is it's a slippery slope. And it's really grown to encapsulate more of my life than I ever intended it to. Having to plan, years ahead of time, for something as basic as a 1/6 scale plastic figure.. sometimes it can feel as though I'm bound to this hobby.

Does that make it a hobby anymore? Is it a compulsion? An addiction? Can I resist it when I want to?

And it's not just the planning. But the time, attention, and money being spent (sometimes impulsively and irresponsibly), not to mention all the headaches.. the scammers.. the scumbags you deal with. It stops being fun, and becomes overwhelming.

Of course there's a great deal of passion underlying it. But it doesn't always feel like unwrapping a Christmas present. I've been there myself, where I'd open a box, and I'd feel absolutely indifferent, or worse, disappointed, regretful, or confused as to why I bought the figure in the first place.

FOMO is a real thing, and it's also a *****.

Gentleman. That's a sign to slow down, reflect, and reevaluate. Set a clear vision for your collection. What you're looking to get out of it, and whether or not, it can ever be enough.

I'm approaching my endgame. I know my top 5, 7, or 10, and what I'd keep with me if I had to purge all the rest.

But now I have a different compulsion. To improve what I already have. A desire to have the best, and that's also a problem. Because perfection is unattainable, and you have to know where to draw the line. That's why I don't (but with exception) bother with third party or Hot Toys anymore. If they leave something to be desired, I'd be setting myself a trap. I'd rather not have it.

I don't do "placeholders". I try my best to abstain from reluctant purchases.

I have a BTTF Marty still in its box to remind me. I didn't follow through with doc. I didn't buy that Begins figure until I set my sights on customizing. But it's just not sustainable.
Completely agree with everything you said. This is also the reason the thought of new versions coming out drives me crazy. I want to lock down my display spaces with the best available quality without having to drop thousands for individual custom figures.
It must feel real good when the hamster gets off the wheel but the wheel is always there.

When I finally get off it, the wheel the cage the whole damn thing is going.
While no one in this thread specifically mentioned it, the idea of a collection tapering off to no new acquisitions over time seems like a real possibility. In 20 years, I will be in my 70's and no way will be collecting more of these stupid things.

But I can continue to enjoy what I have. Not gonna let anything go
But now I have a different compulsion. To improve what I already have. A desire to have the best, and that's also a problem. Because perfection is unattainable, and you have to know where to draw the line.
I've changed my focus more and more towards customizing through the years, and nowadays I'm almost exclusively buying figures that I know I want to update. I'm much more invested in the projects and how much fun I'll have doing it than I am about collecting and displaying stuff. Since I don't have all the materials or tools needed for every project, I'm chosing what to buy based on what I already know I can "fix", or if it's something that requires an entirely new skill I'm interested in learning. The level of detail needed to be content with the finished product will inevitably increase as we learn more about what it is we're trying to replicate. This is why I personally use a fairly large chunk of intuition and memory induced "images" to inform my artistic decisions. I want the characters to look how I remember them, even if it means skipping over a few screen accuracies here and there. With that said; every single one of my figures are naturally 100% "perfect" 😎
I've slowed down on purchasing 1/6 figures over the last couple of years. I basically just wait until I can get 20% off on most things.

I stopped collecting Marvel after Endgame. The only figures I will add from anything post Endgame are Deadpool and Wolverine.

For Star Wars I'm just collecting from the OG and PT trilogies and Mando. I don't think I will bother with any of the other shows.

I've pretty much finished my DC collection. Will just get InArt Superman and call it a day. I'm not looking to continue into the new DC reboot.

Only characters I wish I could get now are an Aliens Ripley and a T2 Sarah Connor.

For tv shows, I just want Jon and Daenerys from GoT. Hopefully InArt put Dany up in the no too distant future.

Sometimes I feel like I have an addiction to collecting figures, but I seem to be able to just stop when I feel like it. I can look at other people's collections on YouTube and think they look great, but I don't feel the need to go out and buy them.
I've slowed down on purchasing 1/6 figures over the last couple of years. I basically just wait until I can get 20% off on most things.

I stopped collecting Marvel after Endgame. The only figures I will add from anything post Endgame are Deadpool and Wolverine.

For Star Wars I'm just collecting from the OG and PT trilogies and Mando. I don't think I will bother with any of the other shows.

I've pretty much finished my DC collection. Will just get InArt Superman and call it a day. I'm not looking to continue into the new DC reboot.

Only characters I wish I could get now are an Aliens Ripley and a T2 Sarah Connor.

For tv shows, I just want Jon and Daenerys from GoT. Hopefully InArt put Dany up in the no too distant future.

Sometimes I feel like I have an addiction to collecting figures, but I seem to be able to just stop when I feel like it. I can look at other people's collections on YouTube and think they look great, but I don't feel the need to go out and buy them.
For the many it is easier to continue than stop, temptation is always present. I had to dig deep to control the thirst, I say control because there is no cure.
Muck luck to you all.
I finished my database of 1/6 figures (still have to do older McFarlane & carded figures). I have 300 1/6 figures, which to my mind is more than I can ever display. I have a dream of getting several shipping containers and converting them to a finished display area. In time.
I finished my database of 1/6 figures (still have to do older McFarlane & carded figures). I have 300 1/6 figures, which to my mind is more than I can ever display. I have a dream of getting several shipping containers and converting them to a finished display area. In time.
I got up to around the 200 mark of 1/6 figs. Basically I was flat out of display space and the boxes were taking up too much space. Thats when I realised I had to cut down, probably down to about 120 figs now. I might keep a core 50 figs or something like that.

As others have said, I no longer make impulse buys, I was doing that a lot A few years ago.
I finished my database of 1/6 figures (still have to do older McFarlane & carded figures). I have 300 1/6 figures, which to my mind is more than I can ever display. I have a dream of getting several shipping containers and converting them to a finished display area. In time.
sounds like you have the real estate for few shipping containers.
The mantra for us collectors “You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave.”

I am 50 and while my purchases have been much less of late there are certain figures I cannot pass on. In truth I don’t desire for them but feel that it is needed in my life’s work of collecting. For example NECA’s Universal Monster’s line. I’m not buying them all but they’re a few I need. I purchased Nosferatu a s few weeks ago only to purchase. I have not even opened up to appreciate the figure. To be honest I have no desire to open and have all these little accessories all over my desk. I “DO” however NEED Nosfurato in my collection. Other examples would be the upcoming “HAMMER HORROR” line. A must have. With every purchase I make today I am thankful that I can afford to make a figure purchase but then I also ask myself…..what am I going to do with this??
The mantra for us collectors “You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave.”

I am 50 and while my purchases have been much less of late there are certain figures I cannot pass on. In truth I don’t desire for them but feel that it is needed in my life’s work of collecting. For example NECA’s Universal Monster’s line. I’m not buying them all but they’re a few I need. I purchased Nosferatu a s few weeks ago only to purchase. I have not even opened up to appreciate the figure. To be honest I have no desire to open and have all these little accessories all over my desk. I “DO” however NEED Nosfurato in my collection. Other examples would be the upcoming “HAMMER HORROR” line. A must have. With every purchase I make today I am thankful that I can afford to make a figure purchase but then I also ask myself…..what am I going to do with this??
The horror of it all my friend.
No more space unless I find a larger home.

Like many it started with action figures back in my youth. Teens and twenties it was all about garage kits, painting them up and displaying them, so it was a natural progression when Sideshow entered the scene. SSC, along with other vendors (past and present) will really begin to take up a lot of space over the years...especially the packaging.

Bought a lot, sold a lot. Will probably sell more yet still but currently only have the characters I really cared about, everything else is pretty much gone. Over the past couple of years there were things I had on PO that I eventually canceled, I really didn't need them.

It's always fun to look. When you have everything you want with rising cost and a soft aftermarket, characters that you don't really connect with becoming more prevalent it becomes a lot easier to walk away.
I plan to keep buying until I am crushed to death by all the boxes. If I am lucky, it will happen just before the general collapse of society, so that my horde of toys becomes my permanent tomb.
you have about 6 months to do so. time for a big loan you wont need to pay back.

thoggh there was a comic book that the mc made a loan to purchase an apartment and converted it into a shelter but he had super power that allowed him to store things in another dimension and time goes slow in there so food can last longer.

there was another rich kid did the same but without the super power he could only store so much.

cardboards make good alternate to jerkies.