Something Sexy
Super Freak
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta
I also added Kotobukiya.
Let me know if you see any issues.
I also added Kotobukiya.
Let me know if you see any issues.
Suggestion: Perhaps adding Environment to the WETA types would be good. They have done quite a number of these.
They are buildings, yes. Though most include other "environmental" aspects like trees, paths, etc. The Environment line is quite popular. They just released Rivendell and Orthanc is about to come out as well.
Yea most definitely.
I am just trying to keep things as simple as possible, if I can.
What I mean by that is, for the base line collectible types, if I can keep the smallest subset as possible.
What I am wondering is if at the highest level we can call them statues and then underneath that it would be labeled an environment.
Hey Tyler, I noticed you approved a heap of my submissions today.
Thanks mate...![]()
Hey T,
You limited the collection pics to 50 right? Will that change? Just asking.
That would probably work! I think it is a good idea if you are trying to limit vast amounts of overlap!
I appreciate all the submission approvals for the koto stuff!
I am curious if prop replica places will be on there at all. Like Factory X (who did Buffy stuff, etc)?
I am curious if prop replica places will be on there at all. Like Factory X (who did Buffy stuff, etc)?
Speaking of the list, here is what I have in order they were requested:
Factory X
I am sure I am missing some of the requested ones, please let me know.