Hey everyone,
OK so I am going to start off by apologizing for basically dropping off the face of the earth for a while (like a year). It is pretty much the standard excuses, work, then medical issues, then potentially moving, etc. I am still alive though and I know I have been a bad friend and even worse steward of Collection Stash.
For a while there I was toying with the idea of rebuilding the platform into some new tech and something much easier for me to maintain but then the above happened. This is still something I might pursue but we will see. Anyway, I am starting to outsource the approvals here. GeneralZod is gonna start helping me with that now (although that might be obvious because things have been moving faster) and then I might expand that as we try this out.
I will look into the import issue over the weekend and see what I can do about how many uploads you can have.At least to start there.
Thanks for being understanding and still supporting the site.
Cool to hear, man.
It´s all good. I knew this is a project by heart and I figured you´re occupied.
Just know, I REALLY would love to admin this too.
Dedicated for this. Love cataloging for it, so maybe we come together on this.
Peace and later.