Something Sexy
Super Freak
Re: Collection Stash: A collection catalog platform
Does it still scroll all the way over?
Still not seeing the log out.
Does it still scroll all the way over?
Still not seeing the log out.
Does anything get cut off when you are not logged in?
If you are not maximized and make the window smaller is anything cut off still?
What does it look like in IE?
Must be something with Vista, I will have to do more research.
Also, anyone else with vista
Anyone with Mac Safari confirm an issue with the top orange bar not extending the whole screen at the top?
Nope, the site looks fine on Safari & FF on Mac.
Thanks for the response! Just to double check, does it look good when maximized and in a smaller window mode?
Actually, no...when I make the Safari window smaller, the yellow/orange bar shrinks with it, cutting off the 'Home', 'Profile', 'Logout' options.
Tyler...When I zoom out to about 75% the "Welcome, DarthSnoopy! Home Profile Logout" appears.
Ok cool, and then when you make it larger does it correct itself or does it continue to be cut off?
What happens when you make it smaller and then maximize right away?
Thanks again for the assistance!
No worries.
Yeah, it corrects itself when I maximise the window. Although the window only maximises to the right edge of the 'Find a collectible' box...then I have to manually make it bigger to fit my screen.