Super Freak
what's up with the uneven lines on his right shoulder versus his left? Weird loop groove on right????
Unarmored head is weak.
1/5 scale. A 17 inch statue including base is ridiculous for $300. The ____ing spiderman comiquette character figure sculpt is bigger than this Colossus statue for ____s sake!
Ughh video said the 1/5 scale is more modern and the PF line is jim lee guessing im going PF. Does anyone know if cyclops and angel are PF? I look forward to the 90's rouge!
Wow the unarmored head looks almost as bad as Bullseye's. A print would have been a better exclusive for this statue.
Human head is a dumb exclusive. Either give changable arms as well or don't bother. This piece never met my expectations and the exclusive lowers it even further. Pass.
From Wiki:
Colossus cannot transform a portion of his body into this armored state; he must either transform completely or remain within his normal state.
From Wiki:
Colossus cannot transform a portion of his body into this armored state; he must either transform completely or remain within his normal state.
decent enough, but hating the lines on the face. why couldn't they just scale down the bust and make it the same type... colossus doesn't have lines on his face. love interpretation works, but not when it comes to Marvel.
that's exactly what I was thinking, I think the portraits are what really hurts this piece.
My worry is what other Xmen are they doing in PF?