Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek
On the surface his art seems really good. There are individual panels that shine when you look at them unto themselves. Until you notice...
...All his women have the same face. Maybe 3 exceptions.
...85% of those women have the same hair.
...characters are smiling when there's no good reason to smile.
...especially when the dialogue doesn't match the face
...general inconsistency, some panels look great, others wtf
But he does do a an amazing Juggernaut in action, and a pretty good armored up Colossus.
And you already know it's gonna have cloth undies, lol. Exactly for the reason you mentioned
Wow, I actually really enjoyed Land's run on the X Men, one of the best in a while.
I think the cloth top will look fine with the other X Men. Im curious to see what they did with the pants. Does he have cloth undies! That would look kind of ridiculous to me but then if they were not cloth it would look odd to see a cloth top with sculpted undies.
On the surface his art seems really good. There are individual panels that shine when you look at them unto themselves. Until you notice...
...All his women have the same face. Maybe 3 exceptions.
...85% of those women have the same hair.
...characters are smiling when there's no good reason to smile.
...especially when the dialogue doesn't match the face
...general inconsistency, some panels look great, others wtf
But he does do a an amazing Juggernaut in action, and a pretty good armored up Colossus.
And you already know it's gonna have cloth undies, lol. Exactly for the reason you mentioned