That whole post is about YOU and how YOU feel and what YOU want! What YOU think should be made. Sorry if I didn't actually quote YOUR words, but it was a generalization.
I'm not sure how good you are at math so I'll make this easy for you, there are a whole lot more good guys and heros in the SW movies than bad guys, especially when you have add the PT Jedi in there. The majority of SW baddies are, 4 Sith, 2 bounty hunters (3 if you want to count Greedo, but he only has 41 seconds of screen time so he doesn't count in your book), Jabba, 3 Stormies, Clones, and 2Battle Droids. Now we're most likely only going to get two versions of battle droids, and who knows how many versions of Clone Troopers (but you can bet they won't be for a while since Medicom's are coming). That's about 12 plus however many Clones we get (probably around 4) and most likely Tarkin. I'm sure there will be some surprises in there that push it up towards 20. They could easily do at least 40 versions of Jedi alone. Then you have all the other Heros and Rebel military (which I expect 4 versions of : Endor, Hoth, X-Wing, and Tantive IV). To put it simply, there are a lot more good guys than bad guys!!! If they give us too many bad guys too soon, they'd have to start goint into the EU (and since they have no screen time they'd be useless to you, thus a waste)
Like I said, get over yourself.