Top Choice: San Diego
Second Choice: Anaheim
Third Choice: Los Angeles
Fourth Choice: Vegas
Second Choice: Anaheim
Third Choice: Los Angeles
Fourth Choice: Vegas
you're always welcome to stay at my place, King. Comic con or not *wink*
my girlfrend paid over $600.00 for 2 nights close to the convention center.
Omni was $280 a night for four days. Not bad at all considering.
We stayed in the Hard Rock again this year (because now I'm spoiled and won't stay anywhere else for SDCC if I can help it). The total: $1344, for 4 nights.
And the problem isn't necessarily the rates, but that the city won't strong arm the hotels into opening up more blocks of rooms at those "lower" rates. Their greed may just end up forcing the con to move and then everyone loses (especially the SD hotels).
But they are much much more spread out than SD. People would have to take our massively sucky public transpo, expensive cabs or drive. And our traffic is world-renowned.Los Angeles … Has an Incredible Selection of Affordable Hotels
According to a survey conducted by Smith Travel Research, LA ranks as one of the most affordable top U.S. markets with an average daily room rate of $114 — well below the averages for San Diego, San Francisco and Chicago.
When it comes to inventory, LA has twice as many hotels as both San Diego and Anaheim.
But they are much much more spread out than SD. People would have to take our massively sucky public transpo, expensive cabs or drive. And our traffic is world-renowned.
And, to me, that's one of the nicest things about SDCC week- 4 whole days of no work and *No Driving!*
Plus, in SD, all the hotels jack up their rates for a convention. The exorbitant prices people pay during SDCC is *not* the normal rates. They're almost double. Do you really think we wouldn't have the same problem in LA? Or in any other city?