Commander Neyo : Denied

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Here's what happened. I'd 99% guarantee it. This is based on what Amanda from GG said happens via the GG blog.

They have a software program that picks winners. The used zip code as the "factor" to base it on for this Neyo raffle. The computer then picked a sequential group of zip codes to win the Neyo. If you fell into that group you won (or had an extemely high chance of winning.)

Amanda said in her blog post they actual would do it in small "batches" with different "factors" for each batch. This obviously did NOT happen here. They picked one factor and the computer spit out a group of winners.

This can't work like this! For it to be truly random... every winner must be picked individually. Not as part of a grouping.
Amanda said:
On May 02, 2007 11:42 AM, Amanda Burns said...

Ok - wow - this blog thread has turned in an interesting direction. Hopefully I can steer it back to its original topic - the Raffle!

I can assure you all that the raffle system is very random. And no, we don't just pick names out of a hat. And no, no one has been blacklisted. It's actually a very complex computer algorim/logic that has been programed to make it the most fair and most random. The way it shuffles and sorts and by what 'field' is random everytime I hit a 'select winners' type button. There are many different fields we shuffle/sort by. The selection is also done in small batches after an initial shuffle/sorting and then more shuffle/sorting happens. Plus the odds change with every raffle as there are more or less entries each time. Future Raffles with higher or lower quanties of product being offered will also change the odds.

I hope that this information assures you all -even it if is just a little bit- that we are making an effort to make the raffle process fair for all.


How is sorting by "fields" random at all? What a stupid way to raffle.

Amanda said:
I can assure you all that the raffle system is very random. And no, we don't just pick names out of a hat.

Isnt picking names out of a hat "RANDOM" ? This chick must not be the brightest bulb in the shed eh?
It's incredible what Gentle Giant has gotten away with up to this point.

Seriously, GG has been bending collectors over a barrel and laughing in their faces at the same time. Either Howard Roffman is oblivious to all of this or he's a supreme *******. In any case this does not reflect well on LFL at all. They have to do something at some point, whether it's a harsh reprimand of GG and forcing them to change their business practices... or stripping them of the license altogether.

Personally, I'd be happy with either option right now.
Picking names out of a hat is clearly random. As long as you have the entries completely shuffled in the hat and don't take a look-see into the hat when picking!
swabie2424 said:
Picking names out of a hat is clearly random. As long as you have the entries completely shuffled in the hat and don't take a look-see into the hat when picking!
Bottom-line is, we got screwed... and GG could care less.

Now whether LFL cares less is what will determine whether or not "the rock stars" will eventually get theirs.
I wish they stoped sorting by any type of "fields" and just let the computer shuffle all PG members and randomly select 200 of them in no particular order or pattern. Is that too much or too diffucult to ask?
Great question nash!

Yoda027 (Mark) from GGC said that he has a program that just takes names - assigns them a number - then shuffles all the numbers (so no bias could be claimed that it favored certain names or whatever) - then randomly selects numbers and spits out how ever many winners are needed.

The numbers then just corollate with a name - and BAM! - random winners!
Ok we need to all make sure our voices are heard on this issue we need someone to organize a clear and concise argument based on the statistics that we have collected. Maybe you should also ask over that RS to see what the members over there shows and then we need to all write letters to GG and to Lucasfilm Licensing because come on this is the last straw for me with this company. Also you may want to do the same thing Swabie for the B&W Luke. I have already emailed you my zip for that one which I did win.

Then we can truly see if this raffle system is truly full of crap.
Exactly what I think would be the best and mostfair way!

any time you sort by fields you are alienating a majority of members from winning. No matter if you're "supposed" to sort by batches of fields, bottom line is, not EVERY member will have an equal shot at being chosen 200 of 200 times the computer draws a winner. that to me is BS. Every member should have a chance to win each time the computer draws a winner
I wanna know what kind of crack that chicks on because she needs to share.

Here's a little photo guide of the Neyo Bust put together by me and Boba Binks over at Sandtroopers.

Assuming that 800-1000 people entered the raffle, I bet you five bucks that within an hour, I could have 200 names printed, mixed and drawn at random out of a hat with no presorting or zip code disqualifications.

Maybe I should volunteer to head over to GGHQ and help them out with the next raffle.
If the "random" selection by fields is true, this is yet another example of " bad idea, badly executed." (I've not been a supporter of the raffle system, and as a matter of principle, have not entered any so I've got no "loser's envy" to be accused of.) How in the world can a company this large dork up something as simple and basic as "randomness"? Frankly, I don't think there's any real conspiracy going on...just idiocy. The more I watch this thing unfold, the more I'm convinced that the powers that be at Gentle Giant haven't a CLUE about their products' fanbase. Either that, or they simply don't care. Am suspecting both.

I'll continue to collect their pieces, because I do think some of the pieces are very good overall, but I will also continue to boycott any shenanigans they come up with until they start showing they can actually follow through competently. I don't need any of their pieces badly enough to be disrespected like this.
I wonder if they will even respond to this at all. The GG blog has almost 300 posts about Neyo.

Looks like Swabies zip code idea was correct and their seems to be no doubt that this is how it was done and I say that it is very unfair.
I agree with Wetanut - I don't think this is any kind of grand conspiracy on GG's part. It wasn't a, "Hey, let's screw everyone in California," type of thing.

I think they simply weren't "on the ball" enough to execute this properly. Which boggles my mind. If I consistently produced these type of results where I work (i.e. messed things up on this scale all the time).... I'd get fired.

They have made zero effort with fan relations, customer service etc. They are understaffed and underprepared at all times. They need someone to get in there and kick some butt - who really understands all this stuff.
swabie2424 said:
They have made zero effort with fan relations, customer service etc. They are understaffed and underprepared at all times. They need someone to get in there and kick some butt - who really understands all this stuff.

They really need to have the folks at SS show them how to run a company and treat their customers. Though, I don't think GG can pull its head out of its ass long enough to do something that smart.
The real issue is that GG just flat-out doesn't care. Period.

So, the only resolution would be for LFL to make them care... or strip away the golden goose.