Competetive Cheerleading a sport?

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Competetive Cheerleading a sport?

  • Yes, it's a sport

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • No, not a sport

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • I don't know anything about athleticism

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I would figure a sport is two or more people or teams using athletic ability to compete against each other to win something. But it doesn't really matter anyway since everyone sees things different.
I would figure a sport is two or more people or teams using athletic ability to compete against each other to win something. But it doesn't really matter anyway since everyone sees things different.


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</OBJECT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> /spɔrt, spoʊrt/ Show Spelled[spawrt, spohrt] Show IPA

–noun 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

2. a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.

3. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

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</OBJECT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> /spɔrt, spoʊrt/ Show Spelled[spawrt, spohrt] Show IPA

–noun 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

2. a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.

3. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

well going off of just that definition, how is this not a sport? How is anything not a sport for crying out loud :cuckoo:. Some people say eating is now a sport :cuckoo:.
Is aerobic competitions considered a sport? It's almost the same thing.

Ween are you on crack? When do you ever lift a person above your head in step class? I'm really shocked at the ignorance in regards to this topic. I don't think he meant the typical clap your hands cheerleading. He said competition. Have any of you ever watched that?
Unless you are the pitcher or catcher, you might be right. People have a knee-jerk response because they think of traditional cheerleading, but there is a lot more athleticism involved in competitive cheering than in many other "sports" I've seen.
Unless you are the pitcher or catcher, you might be right. People have a knee-jerk response because they think of traditional cheerleading, but there is a lot more athleticism involved in competitive cheering than in many other "sports" I've seen.

Exactly! Thank you! ____ even I can be real and call this a sport and I'm a self proclaimed douche! Haha! Seriously people these athletes are that in every sense of the word. They work their ***** off. No different the. Figure skaters and gymnasts. Some of the strongest peeps pound for pound on the planet. Don't dismiss that.
I think some of the people that voted No should have voted under I know nothing about athleticism :rotfl. I keep asking the question, but nobody gives me a answer, I would like to hear from the ppl saying No. How is this not a sport, yet things like Curling, Bowling, Poker, Eating, Golf,etc are considered sports? I dont know why I care so much, but I think this is one of the dumbest rulings I have ever read about, and have yet to read a convincing argument why its not a sport. Someone just tell me judges are idiots, and I will leave it alone.
Yes it is. My stepdaughter is a competetive cheerleader. Lots of hard work and gymnastics 3 times a week during the offseason. My daughters are both in color guard and dance. They are both sports as well. Many hour practices after school and all day practices on the weekend. Constant drills, tosses, and spinning of rifles.