Al, I suggest you take a look through the first 38 issues of ASM again. I just did, and I don't seem to recall Ditko drawing Spidey with a neck that was longer in dimension than his head. And if you did happen to find an image like that, I could show you 100 Ditko images that aren't.
You know Al, what you don't seem to realize is, you do more to hurt Bowen Designs than you do to help. In your mind, you think you're helping, but all you've done in all your years of Bowen-nosing, is to create animosity toward Bowen Designs.
There is a reason you were banned so many times from Statue Forum, and it didn't have anything to do with members not liking Bowen's products. If I had to venture, I would say the reason so many negative things were (and are) said about Bowen's products is that they were (and are) more to spite you and less to do with anything about Bowen's products. The more you push in one direction, the more everyone else goes in the other..
I'm a big fan of Randy's work. He knows it. Most people know it. YOU know it. Get off your high horse.
If you'd like to discuss further, feel free to PM me, but don't bother responding in this thread.