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I can't believe this needs repeating. Nothing about the PT is any good. Nothing.

If Disney promised to remake new prequels I promise to watch them in the theater. Then they can stick the original three in the Unobtainium Collection Vault - the one that gets opened every fourth Neveruary.

So your telling me that the Battle of Endor is better than the Battle of Geonosis and the Battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan on mustafar!
That is just plain sad!
So your telling me that the Battle of Endor is better than the Battle of Geonosis and the Battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan on mustafar!
That is just plain sad!

I thought we were talking about films as a whole. If you pick and choose your pieces, A) you will run out of ammo very quickly with the PT, and B) you prove my point about the conversation exiting the theater: "there was some cool stuff..."
I know it may not help with some people's opinions of the PT, but if you go back and watch the deleted scenes from 2 and 3, it adds more depth to the character interactions. (more scenes with anakin and padme really help) After watching, I was surprised those scenes were cut.

Its still not on the level of OT character interaction, but its better.
I know it may not help with some people's opinions of the PT, but if you go back and watch the deleted scenes from 2 and 3, it adds more depth to the character interactions. (more scenes with anakin and padme really help) After watching, I was surprised those scenes were cut.

Its still not on the level of OT character interaction, but its better.

Most of the deleted scenes I remember are those absolutely horrible CG motion storyboards of static characters bouncing around the screen. I remember thinking to myself "did I actually just watch that whole thing? What a waste of time"
PT 2? Seriously? AOTC? That's the worst of the 6. Unwatchable except for the last 40 minutes.

The only Star Wars film that is unwatchable is Jedi. Seriously, it's been years since I've seen it all the way through and it will be longer still. I only recently watched part of it to see the added "Nooooo" to the duel. Fits the scene perfectly.

The film starts as some sad twisted version of the Muppet Show and it ends with a battle on the Build-A-Bear Workshop planet. The whole film plays more like George Lucas's marketing road show.

And in between we get:

-Carrie Fisher trying to act while being coked out of her mind. It's actually funny to watch.

-a chump death of everyone's favorite faux bad ass Boba Fett... I think Robot Chicken was right, Boba HAD to have been drunk during those Jedi scenes. Boy, it's so sad to think Boba's best scenes are in a never-released cartoon.

-while caught in a net Luke asks Han if he can reach his lightsaber. Clearly Luke still needs some Jedi training... he forgot how he was able get his lightsaber just fine by himself in the Wampa cave. Funny stuff.

-not one but TWO terrible songs! Somebody REALLY needs to digitally "mash up" both of these songs to make every Star Wars fan ears bleed! Clearly John Williams was too creatively spent (Star Wars, Empire, ET, Raiders) to give another great theme. I don't blame him.

-and a second Death Star with a new and improved way of destroying it. Removing the guess work out of hitting any pesky thermal exhaust ports, just pilot the Falcon and the entire squadron into the very bowels of the space station (no moon) for the kill! And the Falcon is just as cool and exciting with Lando and what-his-face piloting it.

-and the least dynamic lightsaber dual in the entire saga. They sparred like a couple of younglings afraid of their own lightsabers.

For a more comprehensive list on why Jedi sucks, Film Threat supplies the goods:

Film Threat - 50 Reasons Why Return Of The Jedi Sucks
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I agree with all that's been said about Jedi. And yet it's still 100 times the movie any of the PT films were. Amazing.
I suppose they were "OK" for 7-10 years before the movies premiered. But they looked dated and very bad in 1999 to an adult.

Whoa... now you are just making this stuff up. The effects in Phantom Menace looked dated... in 1999? I read PLENTY of bad reviews of Phantom and none of them mentioned the effects looking so 1989-1992!

And to an adult, what did the overthrow of the elite squadron of Stormtroopers tasked to defend the all important shield generator that protected the very vulnerable and expensive Death Star by merry band of spear carrying teddy bears look like back in 1983?

A toy commercial, exactly!
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Most of the deleted scenes I remember are those absolutely horrible CG motion storyboards of static characters bouncing around the screen. I remember thinking to myself "did I actually just watch that whole thing? What a waste of time"

No. The deleted scenes I'm talking about are for the most part, full and complete, and could easily fit in perfectly to the movie and add some depth (especially in AOTC). Just search for them on youtube and you'll find them in 2 seconds. It was just Lucas trying to make the films "more concise" while getting rid of needed development.
That film is still two and a half hours long, without the stuff to make it good. And if its more Padme and Anakin, well the thought sickens me.

Anakin should have just belted out "I love her" to establish their romance and then move on, just like he raced through the decision to become Vader. Dude's rash.

Anyway, I'm sure the character development of the prequels make sense to the texting generation that doesn't even have the patience to spell out complete words. Why bother with complete stories? Just give me more stuff and things.
I don't text but I understood what happened in the prequels. Anakin went from a cute slave to a Sith Lord with no limbs. End of story.
That film is still two and a half hours long, without the stuff to make it good. And if its more Padme and Anakin, well the thought sickens me.

Anakin should have just belted out "I love her" to establish their romance and then move on, just like he raced through the decision to become Vader. Dude's rash.

Anyway, I'm sure the character development of the prequels make sense to the texting generation that doesn't even have the patience to spell out complete words. Why bother with complete stories? Just give me more stuff and things.

The terrible romance banter between Anakin and Padme reminded SO much of the insipid banter between Han and Leia in Empire... only Padme didn't call Anakin a Nerf Herder... thankfully.

Imagine Anakin scrunching up his nose and saying "Who's scruffy lookin'?"... no, only a hardened smuggler like Han Solo could pull off that hysterical line.

I just hope that somewhere in the new script for Episode VII that Leia turns to Han and calls him a "scoundrel", "Nerf Herder" or "Laser Brain" just once to show all of those OT fans out there that their love has stood the test of time.
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With nearly as much development as you mentioned right there. :lol

Just making sure you understood it. You just sounded kind of lost with the "kids these days with all the texting" comment. You can never be too sure. :dunno
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OK, maybe not great dialogue but the old cast's likeability got them through... and they delivered the lines quickly, as banter should be.

There is no banter in the PT. Lucas seems incapable of it. Odd, considering most actors seem to say the only thing Lucas gives as a director is "Do it faster".

"I'm nice men" is a much steamier scene than anything that happens between Anakin and Padme. That ain't saying much in relation to great romances, but the Han/Leia romance moment did more in its 20 seconds than Ani/Padme did in their 3 entire overly-long films.
Never said that Anakin and Padme had a great romance. You can't get any worst than "The Sand Pick-Up Line" by Anakin. In terms of dialogue those lines are THE saga's lowest point. I just think that BOTH trilogies have a lot more in common than you OT trolls like to admit.

And likability is subjective. After Star Wars (I still have a hard time calling it "A New Hope"), I didn't find Leia to be likable at all. And I thought that the transformation of Han from the streetwise self centered smuggler who shot Greedo first to that grinning "scoundrel" who mugs the camera and says "It's me!" in Jedi was a mistake. The treatment of his character arch is both cliche ridden and ham fisted. So, I stopped being a Han Solo fan after the first film. The Han I knew would have NEVER given Lando the Falcon to pilot for the final battle.

But your hatred against the prequels blinds to you to that trilogy's strong points and your devotion to the original trilogy blinds you to some of that trilogy's faults.

But I guess blind devotion provides it's own brand of clarity... however false that clarity might be.

As for me I enjoy the entire saga as one big flawed masterpiece... and I give and take with it as I will.
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Whoa.... you just blew my mind. :D

Granted, both trilogies are far from Shakespeare. And I can not stand up for Jedi. You have me there -- so many problems with that movie I count it with the 3 prequels when I say there's only two Star Wars movies.

Truthfully I only like Star Wars and Empire. I tolerate the rest for some cool bits, characters and spaceships. That's really it. I never sit and watch Jedi, or the prequels -- unless I'm futzing a new Star Wars figure and play it in the background. But I do love the universe. And always hope for better; always hope they'll pull one more "Empire" out before its all done.
i think what Lucas was trying to convey was that Anakin and Padme really knew nothing about love. both of them were young, alone and naive to feelings such as these. they were on unfamiliar ground... there was no passion, just possession.