Super Freak
I would be happy if the RITJ Luke just looked bad ass. I do hope they do a ROTJ Emperor as well.
Any chance we will see a ROTJ Luke?
That's almost a definite, may even be the next OT figure announced from HT.
I hope your are right because IMO that's the best Luke and an LED green saber would be pretty sweet!!
As far as accessories for a HT ROTJ Luke goes, I would want it to have all the wardrobe options that covers the entire movie. It should have a removable vest/tunic (which he wears in the beginning of the film but has off during the final duel), the cloak from Jabba's palace, and the Endor helmet and Pancho (the helmet would likely require interchangeable hair). Then of course his lightsaber (on and off) and an assortment of hands which include plenty of options for a gloved and ungloved right hand. The exclusive can be an ungloved battle damaged right hand and the gun he briefly takes with the force from Jabba's palace.
I'm Surprised that HT hasn't teased a Phasma yet![]()
Check out Hot Toys Facebook page. They just did.
I'd love to see that happen.I think the only EU fig(from the old continuity) that might stand a chance of being made is Revan. He is a cash cow for star wars. He won the black series poll in a landslide. I could see Sideshow tackling him at some point. Kind of surprised they haven't.
You think Hot Toys will do any Hoth figures in the near future?
I really want a Hot Toys-level Hoth Luke and Leia.
Hoth Leia is more probable than Han or Luke.
Yup, of course. I've only seen one type of LED blade that looks semi-decent - and it only looks good from one specific side/angle/view. Not sure if HT will use this blade design or go with something similar to what Sideshow has done before.