I am thinking positive and know we will find jobs after we both have the best vacation/honeymoon ever. My mom and family and friends are going nuts. My mom and uncle have been stocking up on booze for the party they are having for us next Saturday. It will be a welcome/birthday party for my dad and me. Friday mom, dad and uncle and us are going to take Nathan to the beach for the first time in his life in Holland. I will make sure that George gets to see a couple of countries when we are there. 
Saturday the big party and Sunday going to the Sinksefoor which is a big Carnival... then July 8 we are going to the Zoo in Antwerp and a baby elephant has been born 2 weeks ago. July 4th I have a bbq to go to and July 18 big party in my best friends cafe and all my friends will be there.
Then I definitely will take them to Antwerp... there is a great exhibition of the painter Rubens going on now so I am excited to see that. Then we will also go to Gent and Brugge... it is so beautiful there with all the old buildings and in Brugge you have the little boats on the water like in Venice.
It is going to be the best vacation EVER.
After that I will keep thinking positive. After reading the book the Secret it is really changing our lives and beginning with small things that already have worked by just asking I know this will be a very positive influence of our lives. I already asked for another baby or 2 hahaha.
I posted some more pictures. The last black and white picture is one that Sean (Maulfan) photoshopped for me and made a lot of people happy and shed tears. I had this idea as a present for George, his daddy passed away when he was 4 years old so he never could see Nathan but thanks to Sean we were able to create a wonderful memory in this picture of 3 generations. We are forever grateful and this is one of our most precious treasures.
I will bring you some Stella... or Konick... or Hoegaarden... or Duvel... or Trappist... or Kriek... or one of the over 600 beers we brew in Belgium
Saturday the big party and Sunday going to the Sinksefoor which is a big Carnival... then July 8 we are going to the Zoo in Antwerp and a baby elephant has been born 2 weeks ago. July 4th I have a bbq to go to and July 18 big party in my best friends cafe and all my friends will be there.
Then I definitely will take them to Antwerp... there is a great exhibition of the painter Rubens going on now so I am excited to see that. Then we will also go to Gent and Brugge... it is so beautiful there with all the old buildings and in Brugge you have the little boats on the water like in Venice.
It is going to be the best vacation EVER.
After that I will keep thinking positive. After reading the book the Secret it is really changing our lives and beginning with small things that already have worked by just asking I know this will be a very positive influence of our lives. I already asked for another baby or 2 hahaha.
I posted some more pictures. The last black and white picture is one that Sean (Maulfan) photoshopped for me and made a lot of people happy and shed tears. I had this idea as a present for George, his daddy passed away when he was 4 years old so he never could see Nathan but thanks to Sean we were able to create a wonderful memory in this picture of 3 generations. We are forever grateful and this is one of our most precious treasures.
I will bring you some Stella... or Konick... or Hoegaarden... or Duvel... or Trappist... or Kriek... or one of the over 600 beers we brew in Belgium