Because the $6500 paint job is so much better.
The webbing is more defined on the bust but it's probably due to getting the right arm to socket easily while hiding the seam.
The membrane effect, that P1 is trying to copy, was done on the original ADI maquettes that were painted by Gino Acevedo.This is the actual original paint master reference maquette with his beautiful paint design work and the first one pulled from the molds! That's as original as it gets! This was meant to be a template for the Boss Filming puppets!
The Yuri Everson paintwork done on the A3 maquette, gifted to John Fasano, never had that "membrane" paint effect around the dome either. The new studioADI maquettes are Yuri Everson's paintwork.It very faithfully captures the original Gino Acevedo reference paint master design!
In any case,P1 watered down their A3 paintwork interpretation down on the production pieces in comparison to their original prototype.The sides of the dome look like they have vertical ruler measurement increments stenciled on. The vertical increment lines are too stark. They should have a more softened airbrushed vein like look,the way they were originally done on their prototype piece.The bottom of the dome also ended up with less detailed paint work by comparison.
The paintwork on the head is the one area that they should "not" have cut corners "anywhere" on!It the biggest focal point of the maquette.On the other areas of the maquette,they could have got away with that and you guys would have never been the wiser.
It's just a shame the details around the area where the shoulders and arms meet were omitted on the actual production maquettes.They should have omitted it on the bust instead. That's a key original sculpt detail, when the arms are in that type of position,on the original maquette design and on the Boss Filming puppets.
They also "screwed the pooch" with their version of the tail tip. That's not how the the tail tip is supposed to look. It should have a more sythe like curve to it and they smoothed over some of the key detail elements at the base of it where it starts to transition into the rest of the tail.The older $899 Sideshow A3 maquette and even the $24.99 NECA figure had that nailed down!
Coolprops had those details and the slightly different ridging on the back of the left arm correctly done, prior to P1 altering or eliminated them.Coolprops were on the right track.
Make up whatever you will about the studioADI A3 maquette,but these types of key original design elements and paintwork are all there in strides
However,I do agree with the comments of the P1 being a more "value" priced option. The overall less accurate nature of it and some of the production short cuts that P1 ultimately took, do lean it more favorably in that direction.Hopefully, over time, those maquettes won't "literally" lean.