Why are we comparing? Because both are Dog Alien statues and are of similar scale, that?s why. Differences in prices are irrelevant.
As long as it’s Dog Alien related, it applies to this thread. Anyway, it’s just opinions, nothing personal intended.
Ford Focus vs Aston Martin, lol. The ADI is no Aston Martin (and Prime 1 is no Ford Focus). The ADI is just an inflated Jetta to me. It?s not a one-off piece nor made out of bronze. Sure, it was more of a small inclusive production as opposed to the assembly line production of the Prime 1, and that?s where the prices differ. But at the end of the day, it?s still Jetta vs Jetta, the difference, Prime 1 has the superior pose and presence. ADI is its overpriced counterpart. Sure, I wouldn’t mind owning one, but to me, it’s a $2000-$3000 piece at most, not $6500 (I would for an original movie prop though, ha).
ADI was selling their Alien Queen embryo for $150 (actually great price). The back part is flat so you can display it on the wall. It?s just painted black. Ok, so it was from the poster, so they call it authentic, but it?s still just black. Palisades made one, and it?s a stand alone statue in full color. You can get one on eBay for the same price if not cheaper. One gripe would be the ridged tail though. My point? Just because it?s ADI doesn?t automatically make them a superior production company from Mount Olympus. They are a very small company with a small production staff, thus, higher prices. So I get that. Sort of like Chase Smith work. I’m not blinded by that, I get it. The difference, I don’t see the ADI Dog Alien as vastly superior to the Prime 1 Dog, they are pretty much even to me. While Chase Smith Big Chap is going to blow the CoolProps Giger Head outta the water, justifying the much higher price tag.
The Sideshow is the best one, except I had to remove the rubber in order for the magnets to hold properly...
For $6500...I?d rather get a brand new stroker engine for my 65 Mustang.
P.S. We all have our opinions. We can try and Gorilla Silverback chest-bump all we want, but we are not changing anyone?s set opinions. And that?s my opinion.