I don't why you guys are still crying about the price of the ADI maquette. I was referring solely to the P1 and it's perceived value and whether it's worth the hassle of multiple returns to possibly just end up with a parted out piece for $2k.Seems like anytime you guys are presented with warranted criticism and actual images that contradict the "accuracy" of the P1 piece,your only defense is crying that the ADI maquette is $6500.
Getting weak!
Since you guys are still going on about ADI vs. P1.
The closest to the rod puppet, in maquette form, is the original ADI paint master maquette. It's what was sent to Boss Film along with ADI's 1/3 maquette molds, for Boss Film to work off of, as a template in creating the rod puppet.The only thing the P1 has in common with the rod puppet is the scale. The SS piece that keeps being compared,is actually "more" accurate,when compared to the rod puppet, than the P1. The only real issues with the SS piece are that SS screwed up parts of the head and it's lackluster, price point, paint job.
The simple fact is ,the P1 piece is P1's interpretation of the "dog alien" and another entry into the line of A3 merchandise, like the NECA,Kotobukiya and Sano pieces. It's not a prop replica, it doesn't replicate any prop used in the production of the A3 film or what was used on screen, no matter how many screen grabs you try to look at.
You may be enamored by how P1 added detail, that didn't originally exist, or the fact that they altered or completely misinterpreted other details.You may also be enamored by how they painted it,even thought the paintwork isn't even close to being as detailed or as accurate to Gino Acevedo's or Yuri Everson's paintwork. P1/CP didn't laser scan or own one of the rod puppets. They didn't laser scan or own the ADI paint master or any of the other original ADI maquettes. They didn't cast any part of this from the ADI molds. They took whatever data points they acquired from where or whatever and manipulated it all together in the computer and that's what became the basis for what you see.
To be frank,the P1 is more of a fanfare/alternate universe "dog alien" statue.It isn't a replica of the rod puppet or any other actual A3 props.
That's where part of the added cost of admission comes into play with the ADI maquette,plus the fact that the quality control is much more stringent!
Now you can go back to the same old lame $6500 argument about me making comparisons.