coolprops---dog alien maquette!

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So, it turns out that this will sadly stand alone as a 1/3 Alien from Prime 1. All future Alien and Predators from them will be 1/4 which has thrown my plans out of whack.

They mentioned that they don't have a license for 1/3 scale.

The tail on the dog actually takes up more space than the whole body.The Prime1 is the same length of the original ADI maquettes.The rod puppets had their tails shortened by a few segments.

Those Prime1 slabs,I mean bases, also take up a lot of real estate!
Why would they do that? Ugh.

Probably because so many were saying "if it was only 1/4 scale, I'd be all over it!" They seem to have got the message :wink1:

Quoting myself here:

I think P1 probably told us these would be 1:3 while they were still in partnership with CP, since that was the original plan, but after they parted ways for whatever reason they were forced to switch to 1:4.
1/3 statues just have a lot more presence and detail IMO. I understand space concerns, as I have them too. But my 1/3 statues blow away my 1/4 stuff.
Still happy with The Dog. Will go well with life size Busts for now.

It truly was a CoolProps piece after all.

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Hoping PRIME1 will do another Dog at 1:4 - maybe even scale down THIS one if it's printable?

They have said they have no plans for a 1/4 Dog. But I suspect that's a tactical bending of the truth based on current projects in order to maintain orders for this. If they even hinted at a 1/4 version, I'd probably cancel this and wait as spectacular as this thing is.

If they scaled this down to 1/4 after I've bought and paid for it, I'd be beyond annoyed personally as I'd have rather had that to begin with.
I’m still happy, given the latest news from Prime 1.

Will sit nicely next to my 1/3 Predator CM and life size Dog Bust.

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Isn't the Dog Alien supposed to be quite a bit longer than the other Aliens (if you were to lay them all down, legs straight)? I know it's not more than a foot or two, but it may close the scale gap somewhat.
Has it been confirmed the dog is being made at P1’s factory?, I’m worried now that Coolproos will be producing it,i’ll be cancelling if so
Thanks Python, I remember that being the case when it was first announced but I just hope that detail hasn’t changed now we know what we know, hopefully it was too far down the line for anything to change
I’m don’t get it?

Everyone was so exited about this statue and clearly knew the 2 companies were collaborating on it.

Then all the sudden P1 says they’re not doing theirs in 1/3 and now this collaborative piece is too big and **** because it’s coming out of Coolprops factory.

Nothing has changed. It’s still what it was before.

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