I never have problems with PSN. My mic works all the time and I've never had lag issues that couldn't be fixed by backing out of the game and getting into another lobby. I love LIVE, and have been a subscriber since day one with Castle Wolfenstein getting me addicted, but just can't justify the price anymore.
I guess I'm just annoyed with it. The $60 is nothing in the context of things, but I can't shake it out of the back of my mind that I'm paying for online play. Paying for online play -- to be more precise, for a unified chat lobby -- is annoying and a rip-off. The argument that it's because of all the improvements they've made that it's worth $60... well, no. Maybe it's worth that for the full package or whatever, but if I just want to be able to play online, and not all the extraneous crap, then it's not worth it. Hell, when they were the only system with Netflix I might've been able to justify it because that's what I used 90% of the time, but now that all the consoles have it and the PS3 becoming discless like the 360 that's something else I can do elsewhere for less.
What concerns me more is that I guarantee PSN+ is just Sony testing the waters for the PS4 down the road. Then they will announce a pricing structure very similar to Microsoft's.